Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

mercredi 30 mars 2011

Start to plan...

I am entering 23 weeks!! Cepat je mase berlalu kan. Baby pon makin galak tendang2 manje skang ni..selalunye waktu pagi dan petang..siap bleh nampak perut bergerak2..hihihi..sure saye akan tersenyum sorang2 or tergelak kecik bile tgk perut tu bergoyang..love u hon !

Semalam lagi kelakar, me n hubby kne gi training the whole day..tak sempat nak breakfast, lgpon kat tempat training sure ade sediakan tea break at 10 kan..ingatkan perut ini bleh tahan..tp kol 9 tu saye dah rase tak sedap badan..kepala hanyut jee..baby plak makin galak dok tendang2..sampai saye rase geli2..huhu nak duduk pon tak selesa

Lepas makan, baru dia stop..sian baby, slalunye ur mom makan kol 8pg..tp semalam lambat sket..sorry dear

Anyhow..skang ni saye dah start2 plan..merangka ape yg kne dibuat

1. Buat appointment ngan DEMC: disebabkan ade masalah uri tu, kami decide utk terus jumpa pakar and buat check up kat DEMC terus. Before ni ingat nak tunggu 7 bulan baru gi sane..huhuhu..tp still nak continue kat KK jugak utk tetanus

Status: done, appointement on the 30th april, which is on the 27 weeks

2. Book utk antenatal class kat DEMC: done. Class on the 22nd may (31 weeks..err cam lambat pulak kan I attend class ni..sepatutnye 7 bulan dan pegi dah)

3. list down all the warehouses: so far baru ade 3

  • Pureen warehouse at pj on the 23-24th April
  • Mom’s n Baby expo at stadium melawati on the 29th April – 1 May
  • Moms n Baby expo at Mid Valley on the 6th-8th May

4. List down barang2 yg perlu utk baby and mommy: yes..barang mommy kne ade jugak tau..especially utk pantang..like thick socks..serious tak terpk nak beli until tgk mak sedara pakai mase pantang.

Status: almost done

5. Pegi umah my sis at Alor Star: she just came back from the uk..nyempat la ari tu order sedikit sebanyak barang2 baby..so kne gi amik before I tak larat nak berjalan..huhuhu.

status: tak tau lagi nak gi bilee..uhukss

6. Cari Daycare: masih buntu!!!!!

Ok itu jah kot ::grin::

lundi 28 mars 2011

Cleanoz Nasal Aspirator Kit

“Now there’s finally an easier, more convenient and hygienic way to clear baby’s nasal passages”

Bila baby selsema dan hidungnya tersumbat, seperti kita yang dewasa, akan merasa amat tidak selesa. Nak bernafas susah, nak makan/minum pon susah. Baby selalunya akan merengek2 dan menangis untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari ibubapa. Nak dikeluarkan lendiran hingusnya, baby blom pandai lagi.

Sebab itu adanya product Cleanoz ini.

Cleanoz® Nasal Aspirator Kit™ was developed by a Pediatric (Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist) for the special needs of newborns, infants and toddlers. Its innovative, hygienic design and technically-passages. Its ergonomic dolphin design also makes it much easier and more convenient for parents to use. Cleanoz® is the first and only battery-powered babies' nasal aspirator to use disposable reservoir nozzles. The Disposable Tips have been specially designed to eliminate bacteria build-up inside the mechanism to safeguard children from potentially harmful germs. No Cross Contamination!

With standard nasal bulb syringes, germs get trapped and can remain inside the syringe after use, even after they are rinsed. Other battery operated nasal aspirators are not designed to block the secretions from getting inside the unit during the suction process making them difficult to clean and can contaminate the inside device. Unfortunately, neither of these types of child nasal aspirators can be taken apart or fully washed and decontaminated after each use. Cleanoz® is the ideal solution! Simply replace the disposable, flexible silicone reservoir nozzle tips after use: One per day for the same baby;

Cleanoz® Nasal Aspirator Kit™ comes with Batteries and 3 disposable tips included. One Cleanoz® Nasal Aspirator may be used for multiples, Use simply one Tip per baby! (extra 10 disposable tips can be bought separately)

Fast and effective: The gentle suction quickly and efficiently clears nasal passages in seconds

Easy to use: Cleanoz® features a dolphin-shaped, ergonomic handle so it’s comfortable to hold. Best of all, the nozzles are disposable making Cleanoz® a sanitary solution.

Saves Time, since there's no need to clean Cleanoz® after each use.

Gentle: Cleanoz® is specially designed for use on delicate infants and young children. The flexible silicone nozzle tips are soft and comfortable

Safe and effective: The Cleanoz® disposable nozzle tips have been tested by the North American Science Association, Inc (NAMSA). In addition, a protective screw secures the battery pack and the dolphin-shaped design features round edges for additional safety.

Cleanoz® Nasal aspirator Kit™ complies with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), FCC, Canadian Health and EC requirements.

Further details, kindly visit our facebook: Love BabyKoala

Or email me: lumieredamour@gmail.com

vendredi 25 mars 2011

Placenta is lying low :(

Smlm pegi scan kat klinik Ajwa di seksyen 7 Shah Alam. Niat di hati just nak tau gender je..and jeng jeng jeng..obviously a boy! Tanpa segan silu baby menunjukkan his genital part =) Alhamdulillah..baby jugak membesar dgn baek..sehat bergerak..time scan tu siap bukak mulut lagi, nak mencelah dr yg tgh bercakap kot =)

Btw, there is something that worried me still, which is, according to the scan, plasenta berada di bawah..completely menutup laluan rahim. Dr ckp still early utk consider it as placenta praevia..tp nanti kne monitor la placenta ni bergerak ke idak setiap kali scan.
Satu lagi, dr ckp plasenta tu tebal jugak..takut susah dia nak naik.


If plasenta tak naik, i cant have normal delivery. So have to go through c-sect. Tp yg menakutkan saye lagi is, klu ade bleeding yg heavy, maybe kne lahir baby awal..kira baby pramatang la..ya Allah..jauhkan saya dari keadaan seperti itew..bile je bace yg ni kat net, terus mencurah air mata..huhuhuhu

Mengikut babycenter, there is nothing that a mum cud do at this stage..so yang tinggal hanyalah berdoa kat Allah supaya placenta bergerak ke atas dan laluan pintu rahim tu clear. Amin.

However, it is advisable to refrain from lifting any heavy things or sporty activity and to have bed rest. a lot of rest, and insya-Allah the placenta will go up.

jeudi 24 mars 2011

Check up (22 weeks)

Ari ni pegi check up utk 5 bulan..
tp bukan kat KK shah Alam dah..
sy mintak transfer pegi KK precint 3 putrajaya
sbb tak ramai orang dan jugak lagi dekat dri opis (tak payah nak ngulor lame2 :D )

KK kat situ ok la..kecik but mmg tak ramai
relax je menunggu..tak sebising dan sepadat KK shah alam
nurse pon ok

bp normal as usual 99/73, tp nurse tu cm terkejut sket..siap tanye normal ke rendah cemni.. tanye if sy ade pening2 tak..huhuhu..mmg bp saye slalu rendah cemtu..tak tau kenape..ade skali tu 90/60 pon ade :D

hb pon ok..11.6, tp preferable 12 la kan..so kne gigih makan kerang lagi..tu pon smlm, dah bantai nasi lemak sambal kerang for diner..hihihi

berat pulak..eheeemmmm..tetibe perut memulas bile sampai ke klinik tadi..pegi menunaikan hajat dulu baru timbang, so total berat naik bulan ini hanyalah 1 kg jee..hahhahhaa tersenyum simpul saye kat nurse tadi..muhahahhaa

ingat ari ni bleh scan baby kat KK..tp nurse tak ckp pepe pon psl scan :( tp dpt dgr heart beat baby la =) and next check up, kne amik suntikan tetanus! erkk..takutttt!

lundi 21 mars 2011

CL was booked, hubby becomes excited =D

Morning peeps

I feel enthusiastic this morning, despite of still ngantuk and penat tak cukup rest during the weekend..well well..where shud I start first?

On Saturday which was on the 19th, which was my hubby’s birthday ::wink::, we went to Shadira Beauty at brickfields in order to book the confinement lady. Yes, to get the service, you have to book 3 to 4 months earlier! The office is in the middle of no where in Brickfields (which is also in the middle of no where for us), luckily the GPS saved as a lot. We were greeted by Pn Norhayati, (I think she is the owner of the spa). She is a nice woman and we had a pleasant chit chat with her. Both of us decided for 7 days Stay-in Package. All the herbes (untuk mandian, berurut, minuman) already provided in the package. Maybe we just have to buy the tuams for ibu dan baby, and mandian elak kuning utk baby, akar kayu untuk minuman ketika pantang dan minyak kuruskan badan utk ibu..hehehehe.

What we appreciated the most during our visit is, Shadira Beauty sells all sorts of jamu, minyak, bedung/bekung, barut but Kak Nor never pushed us to buy everything. When I asked her, what do I need to top-up into the package, she told us to buy just the necessary things (as I stated above). I do really appreciate this kind of attitude, otherwise I wud feel uncomfortable =) So the deposit was paid, and what we need to do is to call Shadira Beauty once I am in the labour room. We did not buy all the stuffs that I mentioned above yet, as Kak Nor said we just can order them thru the phone and pick them up with the CL. Yes, my hubby has to go there once more to pick up the CL.

Owh btw, Kak Nor told me that all the CL from Shadira Beauty are Malays..makcik2 dari kampung berumur 40 and above.

Along with the signed agreement, we received a daily time table of what the CL is required to do. Good sign isn’t it..siap ade time table ko!! We also got a list of food that are need to be prepared so that CL can cook for me during the pantang..hhehehhee =) Nanti kne buat kelas tutuorial to my beloved hubby kat pasar basah..senang dia nak membeli nanti =)

The good thing is, if you dunt want to buy all the prepared akar kayu with Shadira, you can also buy the raw akar kayu like pandan ke, serai wangi ke, by your self, and the CL will prepare it for you…yes, all the ramuan for mandian dan minuman herba utk ibu are also listed…niceee!!!

Seriously, both of us are satisfied with the explanation, we have a black&white agreement, and I just cant wait for my pantang session! ::ngeeee::

My hubby expressed his enjoyment in different way tho. On Sunday morning, he started to clean the room for the CL..can u believe that!! Well to cut the story short, we stayed in his uncle’s house as his uncle and fam moved to Jeddah (his uncle has a job there) so we are the house keeper, and this house got 4 rooms, but only two are available, while the rest stores all the family’s stuffs. As we would like to keep one room for our relatives who might one to stay/visit us during the confinement, we need to prepare another room for the CL..so he cleaned it up..put all stuffs in order..and voila! A room for CL is ready! I was impressed! He did it by himself, as I was bz doing the house work. And to my biggest surprise, he took the besen tempat mandian baby from the store and clean it up! It was his uncle’s and he told us to use anything yg boleh dipakai. Semangat btul hubby ku sorang ni..tersenyum sy tengok..huhu seb baek dia blom kuarkan babycot lagi =)

Voila voilu..that was my weekend =)

samedi 19 mars 2011

my baby is kicking

yes, finally i can feel my baby's kick =)
it happened yesterday evening, around 6pm when i was resting at the office while playing cityville (ya ampun boss)
i just put my hand on my tummy, when suddenly i felt "dush", a hard kick from my baby
and the vibration due to the kick, went through my hand and directly went into my heart
masyaAllah..i felt so grateful, i was so touched for having this opportunity, and i almost cried!
had been waiting this moment for so long
thank you Allah.

poor my hubby, he was away at that time, and when i went looking for him, baby stopped kicking
naughty baby, saje je ek ;)

btw..today's my hubby's birthday!
thank you Allah for bringing this wonderful man into my life.

jeudi 17 mars 2011

Supplements for mommies

Salam ladies,

Just nak share supplement ape yg sy amik mase pregnant ni

1) Folik Asid:

sgt sgt sgt penting utk diambil ketika trimester pertama (3 bulan pertama kandungan) kerana mase ni lah anggota utama baby terbentuk. If pegi klinik utk buat pregnancy test and positive, insya-Allah klinik tu akan kasi folik asid, klu tak kasi, sila mintak!..hehehe..or bleh beli kat farmasi, i bought mine kat Guardian rm1.60 utk 30 biji..bleh jugak beli yg branded and opkos lagi mahal..but according to my friend yg pharmacist, ianya adalah exactly same..
cara makan: sebiji sehari 2 hours after meals
start makan: di awal kandungan (dari the day tau sy dah pregnant sampai 4 bulan)

2) Obimin:

start amik mase kandungan masuk 4 bulan..so i stopped acid folic sbb dlm obimin sendiri dah ade folik asid, but in lower quantity. my experience: kat private hospital/clinic, i was charged RM39 for 30biji, while klu beli sendiri kat farmasi, hanya RM30++..klu amik kat KK..free of charge :D..
cara makan: sebiji sehari 2 hours after meals (i took it at nite)

3) Calcium:

in addition to drinking milk every day, it is important to take calcium pill as i dunt want to have osteoporosis later on. baby sgt perlukan calcium untuk pembentukan tulang, so dia akan amik calcium dari badan kite..so kite akan kekurangan calcium. tanda2nye are: gusi berdarah, gigi rapuh (i broke mine..huhuhu), cramp kaki
Required amount for adult: 1000mg per day, however, our body can only absorb 500mg at a time..so sile jgn makan pil kalsium dengan susu ye..it is useless!
To use the calcium to the max, our body requires Vitamin D (also magnesium and phosphate..ni kwn sy ckp la)..so if you do not have time to berjemur di waktu pagi utk dapatkan vitamin D, sila cari pil kalsium yg mmg include skali ngan vit D..it is a bit more expensive than the normal calcium lactate (yg ni rasenye sekotak RM10)..but it is more efficient..sy tak ingat brand ape yg saye beli..tp it is around RM24 kot utk 30 biji
cara makan: sebiji sehari 2 hours after meals at nite! (dr nasihatkan saya amik sebelah malam)
start amik mase kandungan 5 bulan.
more details: calcium supplement

4) Neurogain PB:

yang ni saye pandai2 nak amik after bace the benefits of it as well disyorkan oleh kawan pharmacist saye tu..a bit expensive (RM50)..susah gile nak jumpe..mmg takde kat watson or guardian..i bought mine kat Caring Pharmacy..
penting untuk perkembangan otak baby, as it contains DHA.
cara makan: sebiji sehari ketika makan! (also at nite)
start amik mase kandungan 5 bulan
more info: neurogain pb

p/s: i dont take any iron tablet yet, sbb so far Hb level still normal..nanti kite tgk check up next week camne..hehehehe..btw..if u guys ade amik iron tablet..kindly take it mase perut kosong, bersama buah-buahan, untuk memudahkan badan absorb iron tu..jgn sesekali amik iron rite after makan or ketika makan (seperti diarahkan oleh kawan pharmacist td), otherwise it becomes useless!

p/s: instead of taking obimin, u can also take obimin Plus..but it is a lot more expensive..rm50 kot..as i already chose to take neurogain PB, so obimin yg biase pon dah mencukupi =)

p/s: jgn hanya bergantung kpd supplement plss!!!! eat healthy food ye mommies2 sekalian!!

Berminat dengan Set Ibu Menyusu / Set Berpantang / Set Ibu Mengandung dari Shaklee?

 Saya wakil pengedar sah Shaklee anda. ID 910361. Dapatkan konsultasi percuma dengan menghubungi saya:
§  Call/SMS/WhatsApp 019-6656041
§  email: info.vitamin4you@gmail.com
§  lawati: www.multivitamin4you.com

Like fanpage saya : www.facebook.com/multivitamin4you

mardi 15 mars 2011

Drama = headache

The title has nothing to do with what I am going to pour in this entry. He he
But i did have bad headache yesterday. And i also got bad news, which is my mom wont come to assist me during my confinement.

Feel so sad and so being left alone of course. But i wont argue or say anything to change her mind. If she could not come, then I have to find a solution.

I already plan to hire a confinement lady (CL), as i told you guys in my previous entry
but I am not sure which package to choose, apparently, there are 3
1. Stay in- the CL will stay with us
2. Home service- the CL will come to our house everyday from 8am to 6pm
3. Basic service - the CL comes to our house every morning for 3 hours

I plan to hire her for 7 days, and i think i can handle the matters for another 7 days before going back to Kltn.

My first concern is, i stay in a double storey house, for any package that i choose, i gonna need a person to accompany me. It is because, in my imagination, org berpantang ni tak bleh gerak, even tak bleh kuar bilik (muhahahaha), apetah lg nak turun naik tangga kan. So if CL has to stay with me, i need a person to monitor her (kang CL tu ronggeng tgk tv kat bawah camno?huhu), if CL comes to my house daily, kne ade org tukang bukak pintu ke ape. I tot that person wud be my mom, but apparently not.Berusaha sendiri la ko ye, Amalina!
<--- solution: hubby amik cuti seminggu, teman i kat umah..yeay!

My second concern is, I need the CL right after being discharge from hospital. At least keesokan paginye I nak dia dah ade kat depan pintu, vleh?huhu it is because, this is my first time ye..and baby paling muda i penah pegang was 3 or 4 months old. tak caye tanye my sis, eventho for her kids, i yg jadi tukang teman..huhu tp nak pegang baby newborn, takut sangattt. The prob is, according to my colleagues yg pnah amik confinement services ni, CL dtg after 3 days min, which is 3 hari pertama tu, terkontang-kanting la ko ngan hubby..huhuhu..if that's so..sape nak mandikan baby weii? ::nangess::
<---- solution: tadak solution..still tgh cari CL yg btol2 bleh commit dtg awal

Ok that's about confinement. Prob yg kedua is baby daycare after confinement.
I live at Kota Kemuning and work at Cyberjaya. And both of us agree, it is better to find a baby daycare which is close to our work place..senang nak pegi in case emergency, bleh amik rite after opis hour and avoid overtime charge..siap bleh main2 dlm keta ngan baby on the way pegi/balik opis

the thing is, there are only 2 baby care in Cyber, 1 kat dlm mmu which is only for the staff..and 1 lagi dekat MKN EMbassy..but fully booked! I nak Q nama pon diorang tak kasi..sbb dah 23 orang tgh Q utk letak baby..sedeyyy gileee as it was our only hope.
we also considered daycare kat putrajaya..but read all the deadly accident yg berlaku kat daycare putrajaya membuatkan i seram sejuk..ishh tak sanggupp rasenye..
so still tgh pening pasal daycare :(

vendredi 11 mars 2011

Alhamdulillah..rezeki baby

My mood is not really good this morning..
Maybe sbb badan dah penat sgt kot..
Dan tgh pk pulak esok nak kne gi kuantan..ahad baru balik
Isnin dah kije..terus rase nak pengsan

Ntah lah..since being pregnant ni..i really treasure my weekend
Mase utk merehatkan badan
Weekdays mmg rase sungguh penat
Last week, me n hubby almost sampai lambat ke opis
Sbb I ingat ari jumaat tu adalah Sabtu, buleh?huhuhu
Dgr je alarm, terus tutup, siap ckp dlm ati, ari ni sabtu daa..hahhha
Seb baek 30 mins later tersedar balik and my brain worked better..huhuu
Ari ni pon nyaris nak terbabas jugak
Seb baek teringat temu janji nak gi shopping baju org mengnandung with my colleague
Klu tak sah2 sambung tido tadi ::wink::

Owh yes, I haven’t bought any pregnancy cloths pon lagi
Ni first time nak beli..memandangkan weekend ni nak travel
And perut dah besar..seriously tak tipu
Siap colleagues I ckp, perut I ni macam org yg pregnant twins
Ok akhir bulan ni I check If betul ke tak telahan diorang tu
And jugak nak check gender..tak sabarr =)

Ok dha stop merapu..
Actually I nak cite psl kad Touch n Go
I think most of you already aware pasal rebate 20% tu kan
Before ni I tak amik pusing sgt (Eventhough awal2 dah pegi register online my TnG card ::ngeee::)
Sbb utk dpt 20% rebate, u have to make 80 transactions per months
And I dok kat bangi mase zaman bujang dulu, kije kat cyberjaya
Ape sgtt lah toll yg ade (takde tol pon sebenarnye hahahha)
Paling koman pon, time weekend, merempit ke shah alam utk berdating dgn en suami…hehehe
So mmg tak pnah reach pon 80 transactions tu

Pestu..bile dah kawen, kami pindah ke kota kemuning
Penggunaan tol makin bertambah..dan jugak duit yg kami laburkan untuk mengkayakan pihak PLUS pon bertambah ::nanges::
Hari2 pakai ELITE utk pegi opis..and yet tak cecah jugak
Max pon bleh pegi 50 to 60 je

So what we do is..utk balik umah..kami lalu SKVE, then baru masuk ELITE..hehehhe
Transaction bertambah, Harga utk tol still same, distance lebey kurang..and scenery kat SKVE sumpah chantek
Rase macam balik kampong..huhuhu

As a result, bulan ni kami dapat rebate!! Sukaaa!!
Mase check online tu pon mate saye terbuntang terkejut tidak percaya..muahhaha
Sbb jumlahnye bukan sket ok..boleh la lepas tol 6 hari pegi balik ke opis!
Alhamdulillah..rezeki baby =)

Ok..tu je nak cite..bubye

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Shaklee: Halal or Haram?

p/s: this entry is created in order to clarify the halal status of Shaklee. It is not ,in any way, to offend any Shaklee's distributor or consumers. Comments and information are welcomed. Hope we can get some benefits from this.

I have been eying on Shaklee's products for several months
ever since my colleague, Farha, told me the benefits of using this product, which is to increase the breast milk (BM) production.
I have friends who had to stop BF as early as the baby reached 3 months, due to lack of BM
Of course, I would like to avoid this situation, as i aim to BF for 2 years.
Thus, Shaklee really catches my interest.
For breastfeeding mom, it is suggested to take: Alfalfa complex, B-complex, Vita-C and Vita-Lea (source)

As Shaklee is an oversea product, the best thing to do is to check if it is Halal or not.
So I sent an email to Shaklee (i think the HQ in US) and asked if all the Shaklee's products are suitable for vegetarian.
Had been in France for 8 years, I have this habit to ask/check if the food that I am going to buy is suitable for vegetarian. I find it the nicest and the easiest way to know if I can eat it or not without offending the other party. I also would like to avoid the judging look when I pronounce the word "Halal" and to avoid explaining why i can only eat halal food. Believe me, they dont take"because I am a Muslim" as an answer.

Enfin bref, Shaklee did reply, by providing me a list of Shaklee's products which are suitable for vegetarian.
To my big surprise (actually I expected all the products are derived only from plants..huhu) only 25 are listed. (cf pics below)

Luckily, 3 of the products for BF set are in the list, while Vita-Lea is not. Thus I googled on the internet, and Wow! there have been a lot of discussion about this. I got some info, mainly from Shaklee's independent distributor's website, but to my regret, all of them just copied and pasted the same story. Luckily, there is an halal certificate from Islamic Services of America, certifying SOME Shaklee's products (not all of them ye)

At the same time, I also emailed one of the distributor, Kak Azlin, in order to get more clarification on this matter. By the way, one point that caught my attention when reading the story is , Shaklee's distributors assure that Shaklee do separate manufacturing for Islamic countries (that is what I understand from the underlined sentence on the website, as if Shaklee's is concerned about the Halal issue in Muslim world. If this is true, I will really respect Shaklee as not so many non-muslim company really do that.

A reply from Kak Azlin confirmed that Shaklee uses Halal bovine gelatine in the products that are distributed in Islamic countries, and the slaughter halal certificate (can i say that?huhu) is always been renewed from time to time. According to her, this confirmation was obtained from her upline, who visited the factory. She promised me to email the certificate to prove the story.

I am still waiting for her email, because, for me, it sounds a bit weird that Shaklee distributes halal products only for Islamic countries, as the US, France and the UK for example, have a large Muslim population as well. Well, let's wait for the certificate.

On the other hand, as I said, I found the Halal certificate from I.S.A from her website. So I contacted I.S.A in order to confirm the authenticity of the certificate. They did reply, and confirmed that it is authentic. They also confirmed that I.S.A certifies Halal for SOME of Shaklee's products, which are listed on the certificate, but according to them, there are many of Shaklee's products that have not been submitted to I.S.A for halal certification.
Here is a copy of the certificate issued by I.S.A:

If you guys compare the vegetarian list and the halal list, there are some which are halal but not listed for vegetarian. In my humble and not expert opinion, it is may due to the fact that vegetarian does not eat meat AT ALL, including fish. So if the product contains oil fish for example, it is not suitable for vegetarian, but it is considered halal for us. Other than this reason, I dunt have any idea. Wallahualam.

As for me, I am glad to see that Veta-Lea is listed as halal, thus I can use it without any doubt. My conclusion from my finding is, not all Shaklee's products are Halal, if you really care with what you eat, than it is better to consume those which are certified Halal. For other products, I will consider it as non-halal and will wait for confirmation to prove the "separate manufacturing" story. By the way, Jakim recognises I.S.A =)

new update:
just noticed that not all Shaklee products are distributed to Malaysia..and the Shaklee products that we have in Malaysia (refers to Shaklee's Malaysia website) are all listed in halal certificate. Alhamdulillah =)

lundi 7 mars 2011

confinement lady

ecehh..letak tajuk cam gempaknye
apokah iteww confinement lady?
well well..dgn dunia yg makin canggih..dan mase yg makin tak mencukupi
sekarang ni kite bleh upah org utk jaga kite time berpantang

selalunye..zaman dulu2..kite akan balik kampung utk berpantang
dan selalunye org akan prefer kat umah mak sendiri compares to MIL
ye lah..time tu lah kite bleh bermanje balik ngan mak kan..hihihihi

tp disebabkan oleh faktor jarak dan jugak tak sanggup berpisah lame2 ngan en suami
ramai yg start consider amik service ni
which is sgt menarik la jugak

in my case..saye mmg nak berpantang kat kampung, umah mak
en suami?? opkos dia kne pegi kije..weekend balik la kltn, kan sayang?
air asia kan ade..hhahha
cuma nak balik kampung tu, saye nak naik flight!
tak sanggup redah 8 jam drive rite after beranak
mau terkoyak jahitan kat bawah tuu ::ngeerii::
dan untuk naik flight, newborn slalunye kne tunggu 9 hari baru bleh naik
so at least, kne tunggu seminggu lebey jugak la kat sini baru balik kg
my bro said, better tunggu 2 minggu, in case ade prob like kuning ke ape..bleh refer kpd tpt yg kite deliver..senang sket

so dlm mase 2 minggu..i surely need someone to help me
my mom ade offerkan diri dtg sini
but opkos saye tanak dia yg tukang jaga and mandikan baby
tukang teman and tukang ckp ape yg perlu kne buat n ape yg tidak, yes..i will be glad to have her
but to do work..no way! kasihan dia..kedarat dah tak banyak

so my colleague pon cite la pasal service confinement ni
ade dua actually, yg datang tinggal bersame ngan kite for 7/14 days
nanti dia tulun masak, basuh baju ibu dan anak, mengurut..mandikan baby dah segala keperluan lain untuk berpantang
or yg satu lagi, just datang setiap hari (lg murah sket dr yg dok ngan kite tu)

but still, service ni very the expensive la..almost rm1k per week (ok mokcik nak pengsan!)

so saye google2, and dpt la list ini (taraaaaaaaaaaaa)

1) Che Mah (Kelantan) 013 9411 569
14 hari RM 1850
20 hari RM 2150
*harga ubat RM dikira dlm tu skali*

2) Mimi (Puchong) 012 664 8634
RM 120/hari & masak

3) Jemari Tradisional (email: jemaritradisional@yahoo.com)
Link info: http://www.mesra.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=94860

4) Shadira
Link info: http://www.shadirabeauty.com/service.html

5) Zeni's Moms Care (Puchong) Pn. Aini 03 8062 6594
14 hari RM 1900
28 hari RM 3800

6) Aishah Post Natal (Kota Damansara) 017 615 1330
7 hari RM 800

7) Rimbunan Puri
Link info: http://rimbunpuri.blogspot.com/

Source: Forum Cari

satu lagi option, yg lebey canggih, is pegi berpantang kat spa
hebat tak?hehehe
details kat http://suria-spa.blogspot.com/

mercredi 2 mars 2011

feet swelling

last sunday..after taking my nap, my hubby said"yangg..jom kuar pegi window shopping barang baby"
i was like..Haaa? biar betul hubby ajak pegi shopping..slalunye i yg ajak dulu..muhahahha
so we went to Sunway pyramid
masuk sume kedai barangan baby (love it)
dan seb baek i blom tau gender baby lagi
klu tak rasenye dah borong baju kat anakku yg cute tu..huhuhu

we only bought one nice comfortable sandals for me
as yg lame punye dah nak putus dahh..huhuhu
spent at Sunway for about 3 hours
as a result..kaki sakit + lenguh gilee
especially my feet
dapat rase sgt kaki i dah kembang
and sampai lani still rase tak selesa :(
kat jari pon cam bengkak sket..tp cincin2 sume still muat lagi

baru nak masuk 5 bulan..dah tak leh jalan lama2
camne la nak shoppping barang baby nanti..haih
got to do this before masuk third trimester
time tu sure dah tak larat dah nak bershopping ke ape

so what is leg/feet swelling during pregnancy?
it is due to an excessive accumulation of fluid around the legs and ankles, also known as water retention.
simple tips to overcome this prob:
1. keep your leg up..yes it helps a lot..lepas balik shopping tu, i baring dan letak dua biji bantal bawah kaki..baru rase lega
2. jgn nak menyilang kaki mase duduk (which is a bit diff for me as it is my habit to do that..huhu)
lain2..bleh bace babycenter (mood malas hahhaa)

btw, ari ni i try nak puasa
ade 10 hari lagi tak ganti..huhuhuhuhu
pagi tadi bgn teman hubby tgk match bola,
alang2 tu terus sahur sekali..with oats, milk and some fruit
harap2 dapat bertahan sampai abis, insya-Allah
hubby dah pesan..klu tak mampu, dia soh berbuka..huhu
but of course i have to try first la
klu tak sampai bile laa sy nak ganti pose ni..dah le next year nak kne ganti 30 hari..huhuhu

i am currently planning for my antenatal class
maybe nak pegi bulan 5 kot
mase tu dah 7 months..insya-Allah larat lagi
kat DEMC, they only have one antenatal class per month
so kne book awal2..karang tak dapat masukk dahh :(

new update:
dah bukak pose dah..kol 1tgh tadi :(
have to try harder next time