I have been biased..asik dok jenguk Multivitamin4you je
sampai blog ni terabai..wuhuuu
Ok. First of all, saya nak announce yang I am now 30 years old!
Since yesterday 19 November
And I am so proud of it.
I am 30 and so what? Old? I cudnt care less.
I have my lovely husband, and Hakim..owh my..he is such an adorable son
and I cant be thankful enough to Him for thess wonderful gifts
Bertambah usia pon saya tak kisah, as long as I have them with me.Got me?
So gudbye twenties. And welcome 3 series =)
So what did we do during my special day?
Hubby surprised me with one night stay at Gold Coast Resort at Morib
seriously terkejut when he handed out the reservation details
sebab my first thought was..wahh pegi Australia??bior betik suami ku ini..hahahahha
but then, i just realised it was just one nite stay..ishh takkan pegi Oz for 2 days je kot
rupa2nya gold coast lain..hahha
but i was thrilled with the present still..sebab ade water theme park
dan jugak tak penah pegi sane, eventho pantai morib..huhuhu
well actually hubby booked for birthday package..so dapat le cake free + present + sijil (hebat ko) + free dinner buffet kat situ
price..sgt berpatutan
entrance to water theme park is included + complimentary breakfast
the thing is, it was during school holiday..so it was PACKED with people!
cuba bayangkan, nak breakfast pon kena Q and menunggu..owh man
dan it was raining the whole morning..so tak nyempat nak masuk water theme park which is kat depan mata je..isk
nevermind..will go there again next year..huhuhu
how about the room? well he booked for suite ape ntah name
yg paling basic if im not mistaken
it comes with jakuzzi!! so yeay!!
dapat jugak main air dengan Hakim
so dok dalam bilik je pon i didnt mind a bit
there is my boy..miss him already..sigh..
by the way..he hasnt talk yet..and hasnt walk yet..i am worried
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