I was like..haa?saye terkencing time tido kah? it puzzled me a bit..so bile kuar toilet..saye tak terus tido..dok atas kerusi sambil termenung
and suddenly..glupp..something kuar dari bawah..i was pretty sure that i didnt pee (as i just did a few mins before)..tp my chair went wet as well
now it puzzled me a bit more..air ketuban pecah kah?tp klu ikutkan cite Friends, bile Phoebe pecah air ketuban..haa..mencurah2 ko..
my hubby woke up..and he was surprised seeing my face yg agak panik dan hairan..so i told him wat happened..dia punye relax..asking me to wear pad and said, nanti kite tgk camne..haha
alang2 dua dah tersedar..saye turun bawah to prepare food for sahur..
mase bersahur, saye perasan perut dah belakang dah start sakit..but very2 the mild one..
5.45am: habis sahur, i went to the toilet to check my pad..and yes..it was wet and got blood as well..lagi le membuntang biji mata saya terkejut..huhuhu
told hubby..but he said no need to worry..nanti pagi kang kite pegi hospital..and then dia sambung tido..hahha..takpe lah..kasi chance..kang klu betul nak beranak..dia plak ngantuk2..susah jugak kan =)
as for me..mmg saye tak dapat tido dah..saye packed all my toilettries..lengkapkan all my grab bags..sempat bace surah Maryam (teringat kat Balkidz :D) selepas solat subuh
and bersiap macam nak pegi kije..buleh?huhuhuhu..time ni sakit makin terase..but still controllable..and i didnt bother to check the time interval..my main concern was..if it was air ketuban..kenape ade blood stain..risau plak takut baby ade prob
8.00am: bertolak ke DEMC..KESAS plak jammed..hadoii..seb baek LKSA tu dekat jeh..
8.15am: sampai kat DEMC..waited for hubby to park the car first..and we walked together to O&G room..Dr Norleen dah pesan, kalu ade pepe, terus pegi ke Labour Room..but we couldnt remember where it is, and we wasnt sure if we should go to LR or not..
so tanye staff kat O&G waiting room..dia ckp mmg sy kne pegi LR terus..then she offered wheelchair, which i reclined..hairan staff tu kejap as i still can walk normally..siap tanye..takde sakit2 ke puan...huhuhu
8.20am: sampai LR..told one of the midwives about my condition, we were directly brought to the nearest available room ..midwife tu buat CTG..she said..baby nampak ok..and contraction awak ni cam biase2 je..betul ke pecah air ketuban? hahaha..bleh plak midwife tu tanak percaye..hadoii
but in order to ensure, she did the VE..and it didnt hurt at all..maybe tangan akak tu kecik kot..ngeeeee...result, opening dah 3 cm..confirm kne admitted, and mmg confirm kne admitted..i smiled :D
the midwife told us that she will inform Dr Norleen, and she brief hubby about the admission procedure..dan saya pulak..dok senyum sorang2..gembira..yeay yeay baby nak kuar (sakit blom terase sgt)
9.00am: hubby dah siap pegi register..midwife ckp dia akan masukkan drip Pitocine utk cepatkan beranak..dlm kepala saye..if 1cm=1jam..petang karang le beranak ni..tp dia ckp ..maybe by noon baby dah kuar..
we got a lot of sms and calls from relatives and friends, once we updated them about my current status. time ni, klu ckp tepon tu siap bleh gelak2 lagi ha..amik2 gambar..hehhee..sempat breakfast nasi goreng cina kat dlm LR..bulehh?licin sepinggan tauu..sedapp
hahahahhha..midwife tanye if saye dah membuang air besar ari ni..and i said yes..rite after sahur..so no need for me to amik ubat utk membuang air besar.yeay.then she asked me whether i nak amik epidural ke idak..as kne mintak awal2..saye ckp nak try dulu..klu tak tahan, baru nak request. Start dari sini jugak..saye mule minum air selusuh yg mak mentua kasi..bergilir2 ngan air zamzam sampai ke habis proses bersalin
10.00am: midwife dtg utk masukkan drip..i senyum jee..as long as dapat jumpe baby kann..
10.10am: muke start berkerut..sakit yg sungguh menyucuk2..siap rase nak terberak kat situ jugak (nyesal kejap abiskan nasi goreng sepinggan tadi..hihi)..the pain was so tense..and non stop!!hubby started bisikkan zikir dan doa nabi yunus ke telinga saya..ya Allah..rase bertuah sgt he was around.
10.20am: saye menahan for about 10 mins..then rayu kat hubby so panggil midwife, ckp saye nak membuang
midwife terkejut..sbb klu sakit nak membuang tu means dah opening 10cm..so dia buat VE..baru 4cm katanya..saye rayu lagi kat hubby..ckp sakit sgtt..nak epidural buleh..but midwife tak kasi..she said bukaan saye ni cepat..10cm will only take a couple of hours..siap ulang lg ckp by noon dah beranak dah ni..huhu..then dia tgk kat graph CTG..katanya contraction saye was every 2 mins..tu yg sakit tak brenti tuh..memandangkan Dr Norleen dlm OT room skang ni, dia slowkan drip saye..so that bukaan kat bawah tu takde cepat sgt. (bleh plak cemtuu..hahha)
so my contraction came every 4 mins, and she taught me on how to use Etanox..dan mulut saye tak henti2 membaca doa nabi yunus, yang tak henti2 dibisikkan oleh hubby di telinga.
10.45am: saye menggunakan etanox se-max yg mungkin..seperti kata midwife tu, dtg je contraction, sedut Etanox..actually gas ni tak hilangkan rase sakit..cume mase contraction dtg tu, saye fokus fikiran utk menyedut gas tu dgn betul..which is tarik nafas panjang2..dan hembus..and tarik lagii..hembus..sampai contraction tu hilang..effect gas ni, buat saye a bit lalok..imej jam kat dinding terbentuk menjadi dua..sakit tu mmg sakit..but i still could smile to my hubby..cium tgn dia..to assure him that i was ok despite the pain (owh i really love him much)
11.00am: midwife dtg buat VE..err dah 7cm katanya..terbuntang lagi mate saye..that was so quick!40 mins ago baru 4cm!so btul le kate midwife tu tadi..alhamdulillah tak jadi amik epidural..klu tak, mmg rugi le sgt..thanks midwife, sbb berkeras dan tak ikut rayuan saye..huhuhu
11.20am: VE lagi..opening dah 9cm..so she taught me to push..and it wasnt that easy..actually, bile contraction dtg..u have to tarik nafas panjang2..pestu tahan nafas, sambil u teran kat bawah tu macam nak berak..tahan sampai u semput..then baru hembus..u got to do this twice for each contraction..semput ok!..cam tak nyempat pon nak sedut oksigen..yang jadi mangsa was tangan my hubby..as saye genggam kuat sgt..midwife saw this..and soh saye pegang kat pemegang kat katil..huhu
11.30am: Dr Norleen dtg..opening dah 10cm..so the real tarik, tahan, teran dan hembus berlansung..sakit contraction?ntah hilang ke mana..frankly saye tak ingat dan tak rase contraction dah mase tu..as fikiran tgh concentrate utk meneran dgn berjaya..saye hanya ikut guide suara midwife yg ckp bile contraction tu dtg.
12.04pm: i struggled for almost 30 mins..and then plop..rase baby meluncur keluar..terdengar suara Dr memberi salam..dan suara hubby memanggil nama baby..i knew he was happy..dikucupnye dahi saye..dan diucapnya terima kasih..saye pulak..mengigil2..tangan masih kejap memegang pemegang tadi..sambil mulut tak putus2 menyebut allahuakbar (rasenye dekat 10 mins jugak saye cemtu)..serious mmg mengigil..dan saye bernafas dgn laju..the newborn baby was put on my chest for a while before being wash up. and then mule lah proses membuang uri dan menjahit...yg ni bg saye..sakit! siap sedut balik Entanox..buleh?huuhuhu
12.30pm: sume dah setel..tinggal me and hubby..a few mins later, midwife dtg bawak baby..but i was too tired..and badan still mengigil2..hanya mampu pandang n senyum je..then mata tertutup
1.20pm: sempat panggil hubby..ckp yg saya nak muntah..and cun2 je hubby hulurkan bekas..teruss uweeekk on da spot. midwife ckp tu effect dari Entanox..saye terlebey sedut katanya..hehhe senyum je la kat midwife tu..yg pasti i like that gas very much
2.30pm: midwife dtg..utk check kat bawah if ade lagi sisa2 uri..saye nak protes..sbb baru lepas jahitkan..sure sakit..tp memandangkan keadaan yg lemah..n badan still gigil (saye rase otot2 dan urat2 kat dlm badan tgh bergetar gitu)..saye diamkan..seb baek tak sakit sgt..fuhh..and then midwife tekan perut..dia ramas perut tu macam perah kain..darah laju je kuar kat bawah tu..perghhh
3.30pm: admitted to ward. lega sgt..saye dpt berehat..hubby pon dpt berehat
itulah pengalaman bersalin saye..alhamdulillah..Allah sangat permudahkan urusan saya..dari mengandungkan our lil prince sampai ke bersalin..syukran ya Allah..
effect gigil2 tu berlarutan sampai ke petang..after tu barulah rase bertenaga sket..the hardest part was to go to pee..takutttt..nak berak sah2 lagi takut..ni nak kencing pon rase cuak..nak bersihkan part kat bawah tu pon cam ngerii..huhuhuhu
saye terlupe untuk mandi wiladah..sampai hari ketiga baru teringat..and mandi..huhuhu
to visitors yg nak lawat new mommie ni, pls jgn dtg rite after org tu beranak..coz she needs a good long rest..and satu lagi..jgn le call bile the expected mommy msg dia dah dlm labour room..coz bile contraction mkn kuat,neither she nor her hubby could answer any call..i got one phone call at 12 pm..ms tu mmg bz gile and saye rase kepala baby dah kuar sbb rase ade bende stuck kat bawah tu..our mistake, forgot to silence my hp..as a result, konsentrasi terganggu..huhuuh
other than that..sume ok..i love DEMC so much..highly recommended =)