it was Saturday 30th expected due date EDD
I woke up early in the morning, expecting some cramps ke ape
tp nan hado..still tade rase sakit..mood keciwe
put a status about this at my FB..dpt moral support from friends and relatives
lega kejap..takpe tak mo kuar lagi..still nak dok lam perut umi dia..
after having lunch with my hubby n his siblings at seksyen 7,
we went to Sunway Pyramid..
there was a long Q to enter the car park,
so we decided to park our car kat area umah org, opposite to Sunway
saya siap panjat jejantas lagi haa..huhu
we walked and walked for a couple of hours kat Sunway..
tade shopping ape pon..sbb ari jumaat tu dah shopping kat Parenthood Expo!
hahahhaa..tercapai jugak niat dihati utk pegi ke expo tu.. :D
balik umah..terus bersiap utk pegi ke kuala selangor
sbb nak gi makan seafood with hubby's siblings
i'd never been to that area jakun pon ade..huhu
the place was packed with people..11.30 mlm baru dapat makan ok!
mlm tu, bile sampai rumah..flat gilee
tp sblm tido, sempat berharap..pagi esok bangun dah ade tanda utk beranak

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