baby behaves normally as he always do
nak tunggu puasa ye sayang?
anyhow..i did my weekly check up last wednesday..
sume baek2 ajee..
berat baby pon tak berubah banyak..still around 3kg
dr norleen kasi chance tunggu sampai 4hb august
then baru buat decision tarikh utk induction..
for the time being, she requested me to monitor baby's movement
10 movements within 12 hours
next tuesday, my parents akan dtg berkampung disini
so i plan, nak start cuti dah kot..
lagipon i dah start mengah2 dah..eventho for a short walking distance..
on the other hand, parenthood expo kat midvalley start ari ni
so sesape yg pegi..take care..bawak mineral water ek..coz sure ramai gile org kat sane
dan utk melancarkan perjalanan shopping anda..bring ur own list of things to buy
klu sempat, survey dulu harga secara online (skang pon tgh sale gile kan)
then compares the price
barang kat expo tak semestinya murah ye =)
last but not least: to mummy Yaya and mummy Yun
congrats on your wonderful newborn boy!

6 commentaires:
eh amalina, you belum cuti lagi ke??? boley pulak ur company bagi cuti lambat2 ek. good luck nnti. semoga selamat semuanya. cant wait for your baby!
Baby nak kua bulan ramadhan tuh.. Kan baby kan~ hehe!
good luck amalina!!! =) cant wait to see ur baby!!!
aifa: blom's policy to give maternity leave after before delivery tu kne mintak jasa baik doc utk kasi mc, or use our annual leave...or start maternity leave sayang pulakk..huhuhuhu..thanks for the doa dear
ajan:hahah itu lah..nampak gaya nye cam tunggu ramadhan je ni..huhu
dinashuz: thanks dear..just visited ur blog..nice deco!..nanti i nak link to ur blog ek
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