Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

jeudi 7 juillet 2011

Update on check up (37 weeks)

Nothing much to say

My weight remains the same (yeay!)

My baby is now 2.8kg (owhh my!)

My BP was ok: 119/79 if im not mistaken

My urine pon nice

So far, alhamdulillah

But..he’s not engaged yet..should I be worried about it?

I already set dates for next check ups..which are on the 18th and 27th.

Dr norleen told me that I will do the CTG during the check ups. Excited plak rase..hehe

Ya Allah..permudahkan urusan dan proses hamba Mu ini untuk bersalin nanti..dan semoga bayi yang dilahirkan dalam keadaan sihat tanpa sebarang komplikasi. Amin.

After the check up and after having our dinner at Hakim’s, we went home for a shower..and then went to Summit..to watch Transformers..ngee ngee ngee

The movie was ok la..but I still want Megan Fox!

My baby was actively moving during the last hour of the movie

Not sure whether it was due to the sound which was too loud, or it was his time to be active (normally I already fall asleep around that hour..hehhhee)

But I did put my shawl and hubby’s jacket around my bump in order to absorb the sound wave..huhuhu

Sorry honey if u didn’t feel comfortable last nite..that wud be my second last movie (owh yess..i have to watch Harry Potter next week!)

After that..i am going to retire from watching movies and take a good care of you..

En attendant, be safe and be good =)

6 commentaires:

cik yaya a dit…

hahahaha. on 14th isn't?aku tak tgk pon transformers, aku tgk sekali lagi.boleh?HAHA

Unknown a dit…

waaa..seronok seronokk!! i miss watching cinema too..bile ntah nk pgi lg..teringinnn sesangaaattt nk tgk citer2 tuh smer..huhuhu

first baby biasanye mmg lmbt..sbb dia tgh nk buat laluan kluar tuh..tuh yg tak engage lg kot..hehehe

dulu makin dh nk beranak, makin lmbt aku tdo..so mmg sdar sgtla bila my baby aktif tgh2 mlm..mcm tgh shuffle jek bl tgk perut berombak2..hahaha..miss those moments..

Amalina a dit…

yaya: HP kuar next week!! harus tgk!!..unless ade tayangan percume dlm labour room..hahhha

fara: tu yg aku gigih nak gi tgk movie2 yg wajib tgk..huhuhu

btw..check ur sms!!

~YUN~ a dit…

dear,baby yun doc ckp mcm ringan plak,last checkup bru 2.5kg..pas2 EDD jd lmbt seminggu..excited plak nk tnggu sape deliver dulu,take care mommy!moga semuanya dipermudahkan..aminn!!

Anonyme a dit…

hehehe jihan tgk movie transformers pon hari tu baby asyik gerak2 jer..maybe sebab bunyi bising jugak kot..hehehe..;p..semoga semuanya dipermudahkan dan selamat yer..aminn.;)

Amalina a dit…

yun: slalunye doc akan ikut tarikh kiraan last period..sbb lg accurate..2.5 pon ok..as long as baby sehat dan boleh bersalin normal =)hihii..nanti kite tgk sape deliver dulu ekk (macam race pulak..hahha) take care too..amin

jihan: thanks jihan..tuh la kan..baby slalu aktif bile tgk wayang..ari tu tgk nurkasih pon cemtu..huhu =)