and lamenye tak blogwalking
sorry guys..i was super duper bz last week
tried to finish my circuit design (yakin je weekend lepas baby akan kuar..hahha)
but nan hado ye..circuit tak pon comfortably resting in my womb huhuhu
ok..first of all
update psl check up last week
baby dah 3kg
everything seems to be fine insya-Allah
i did the CTG
and both of us (me n hubby) were excited to see our little prince's heart beat jumped from 138 to 156 when he made his little movement..(ntah pepekan)
doc asked me whether we would like to speed things up or just wait
both of us were seriously blank tak tau nak ckp pe
saye pandang hubby and hubby pandang saye
ni le natijahnye tak pnah discuss pepe pon about this..hahha
melihatkan keadaan kami yg tak prepare dgn jawapan,
the doc said, i can wait till 42 weeks
we will see the progress during the next check up which is this coming wednesday
tp saye pon tak sure ape nak jawab actually
shud i go for induction..or wait for normal labour?
it is now 39 weeks and 3 days
and there is still no all
our little prince loves my womb very much i guess..hehhehe
there is no show, no contraction (not even braxton hicks) or no water break
i started to have loose bowel movement since last week..that's all
last Saturday, we did the spring cleaning
prepared our home to welcome our little prince
so from kitchen to guest room, everything is in clean, neat and tidy condition thanks to me
while my hubby took care of our yard
and yesterday..we went for windows shop at midvalley the whole afternoon
there was nothing to buy for our baby as we already bought everything
just i thought it would be a very good exercise to speed up the labour
tapi nan hadoo jugak..hahahha
so here i am today
in my office..blogging and googling about anything related to labour
thank god my boss is not here..otherwise i would already work on my circuit
p/s: baby sayang..u can come out whenever you are both of us are ready to see ya, sweetheart =)

9 commentaires:
amalina,yun pn neves..even da ader sign of labour last friday,tp still xder bukaan,and until now xder plak contratctions,makin nevess...da penat jalan..rase mmg baby nk tnggu edd,or doc ckp induce je a week after tu..mayb baby kite suke kot duk dlm perut mummy kan?hehe~
take care k! =)
spring cleaning done..thanks to my hubby..& adik i hehe..i tdo je..walaupon awal lg my mama start dh bising2 sbb nak smbut cucu ke-5 ni..hehe..tkot penat if nak renyah2 time bulan pose..babe btul ke u x pnah rase any contraction @ braxton hicks?? come i slalu rase??ni baru 36th weeks goin to 37 esok hehe..gagah u still at work..i di paksa cuti dh start 1 ramadan ni..hehe;p
yun: i tot yun dah bersalin as u were in silence for a couple of days!!..huhuhu..itu la kan..neves plak rase bile nak dekat EDD..hopefully everything will go well for both of us, insya-Allah. =)
etty: i kemas umah nak soh cepat tu lah..takde rase pepe pon..sakit bhgn bontot and pangkal peha tu kire normal la braxton hicks tu mmg tade..cume lately ni perut memulas sket..then terus gi toilet to poo..huhu..other than that..semua cam biase je..terpk jugak nak amik mc if i dok umah pon..tak tau nak buat ape..klu dok opis ni..ligat jugak ke sane ke mari..lagipon hubby dok sebelah..klu ade pepe..senang..huhuhuhu
Laaaa, igtkn dh beranak dh... Diam jer. Hehe! Oh nk cpt bersalin yer. Salah satu nyer buat ehem ehem dengan husband.. Ofismate nyer tips ni.. Hehe...
yeke ajan..rmai yg ckp cmtu,tp rase cm takutlaaa...really works ke??hehe~
amalina, ingatkan senyap sebab dah bersalin.. hiiks. sonok baby duk dlm perut tue.. huhu. x lama lagi... i pulak x sabar!
huuu, skrg rumah macam tongkang pecah sebab nak clearkan satu bilik utk baby's room. kne settle sume b4 puase sbb tkt time puase x larat nak buat.. huhu
Yun, btoll!! ;)) ngeee!!!
ajan: blom tak ready nak jumpe lagi..huhuhu..i heard about the "ehem ehem" stuff..mmg ade terbace kat well dlm cerita friends..hehehhe but it didnt work..huhu
yun: no worries..having "ehem ehem" is safe..but since yun dah ade tanda..tak sure pulak..huhu
aifa: haha tuh la..i pulak nebes..tgh tunggu contraction dtg..bestnye ade baby room!! we dunt have any..sbb bukan rumah sendiri sume sumbat dlm master bedroom :D
hehe..nowadays asal nak ehem ehem mst baby buat xjd lah mommy daddy cousin pon suh ehem ehem jugak if nak permudahkan..but baby xbrape nak cooperatelah huhu
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