1) Makanan apa yang u guys kasi bile first time kasi solid food to
2) Orang kata semua botol yg dipakai regardless bpa free or not, kne tuka every six months..so korang camne?shopping new feeding bottles and new breastmilk storage bottles?
3) How about teats? Hakim is using Avent teats no 1 since newborn. Klu ikut suggestion Avent, kne tuka teat no 2 bile masuk 3 bulan..tp saya tak tuka sampai sekarang. Sbb org kata nanti baby tends to tanak breastfeed sebab teats no 2 laju, sedangkan utk breast feed, dia kena hisap betul2 baru keluar..what say u guys?
4) Food processor, is it a must buy? Currently I am using Philips blender, dapat dari hadiah kawen ari tu..huhuhu..utk puree ok la..but not that smooth.