1) Makanan apa yang u guys kasi bile first time kasi solid food to
2) Orang kata semua botol yg dipakai regardless bpa free or not, kne tuka every six months..so korang camne?shopping new feeding bottles and new breastmilk storage bottles?
3) How about teats? Hakim is using Avent teats no 1 since newborn. Klu ikut suggestion Avent, kne tuka teat no 2 bile masuk 3 bulan..tp saya tak tuka sampai sekarang. Sbb org kata nanti baby tends to tanak breastfeed sebab teats no 2 laju, sedangkan utk breast feed, dia kena hisap betul2 baru keluar..what say u guys?
4) Food processor, is it a must buy? Currently I am using Philips blender, dapat dari hadiah kawen ari tu..huhuhu..utk puree ok la..but not that smooth.

6 commentaires:
nanie pon still guna teats nombor 1(botol MAM) sebab risaukan hazim keliru puting n ended up dia suka menyusu thru botol instead of direct feeding wpun hazim dh 6 bulan setengah.
i bought a mini blender from philips and it works wonder. sgt halus dh mcm bukan solid food, tp mcm semi solid dah ghupenye :)
hi amalina. for my lil zabi aydan, his first solid food was plain rice porridge. dia kurang suka. then i gave him sweet potatoes. he loves it. alhamdulillah no kembung perut. dun worry, can try. most babies will love it! zabi aydan dah makan puree apple, pears, prunes, broccoli, potatoes, avocado, banana... all these are recommended first foods. cubalah mesti hakim suka! =) but dun forget the 4 days wait rule! as for teats, same la, i x tukar pun cos when breastfeeding baby has to suck hard for LDR kan. so if we change the teat takut keluar laju sgt. so far he's happy with his medium teat. i guna MAM but then i direct feed him most of the time. and then ans for bottles, yes if u use every day, can change oredi lah kot. check the bottle for any wear n tear sign like colouring dah off or if when u warm up bottle dia dah mencair ke... like my autumnz storage bottles ada few yg i dah buang.. as for gadgets, i beli the philips avent combined steamer n blender. mmg berbaloi. sng sgt! but then if use normal blender pun ok je. still have to use strainer to make sure puree is really2 smooth for the first month of solid feeding. nanti dah 7/8 mnths if d puree x smooth sgt pun xpe. but using a food processor mmg menyenangkan keje buat puree. the result... fine texture. ive tried pureeing using blender. mmg x halus sgt. hope this helps dear! joinlah HMSFFYB group kat FB. i just joined! helped me a lot. and also i got my info on solids mostly from annabel karmel books n website n the momstastic blog.
nanie: thanks for the info..at least saye yakin dah utk tidak tuka teats tu..huhuhu mini blender philips?nanti saya google2...mine blender bleh blend ice..but tu lah..bile blend bubur nasi..still ade yg tak betul2 hancur
dinashuz: i LOVE ur comment! sangat useful!..so i will keep the same teat..but ade ek autumnz mencair?cair mmg btol2 cair ke? cant wait for this weekend..nak pegi cari sweet potatoes..i think hakim ni sweet tooth kot (eventhough blom ade gigi lagi)..hihihihi..nanti i try join group kat fb tu =) thanks dear.
cik amy.. from my experience.. hakim dah 6 months.. so better tukar teats.. at least tukar to no 2.. sebab nanti takut he will lost interest dgn bottle feeding (sebab very slow).. sebab sebelum pernah jd dgn aqeef.. and maso tuh kak munie tok tukar teat tuh dok no 1 jah sebab hok avent susah nok rosak.. Both afif and aqil tukar teats after sometimes. Pasal utk blend food tuh better cari hand blender.. sgt smooth..
Pasal recipe.. if hakim dislike traditional bubur nasi.. you can try recipe from this website.. dulu oghe ada rujuk sini.. but nasib baik afif and aqil love bubur nasi.. heheheh
rebus sweet potatoes / labu (ape2 mknan yg angin) dgn halia tua..lps tu time blend xpyh la masuk halia tu. Insya Allah baby xkembung perut
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