Introducing solid food to my lil baby hakim was not that easy..actually, it was stressful and required a lot of patient.
Saya start bagi Hakim makan when he was 6 months ++..I purposely waited weekend 4 hari Maulidur Rasul (early februari) to train Hakim makan solid food. I was excited of course, so on the Saturday morning, we went to Giant to buy brown rice.
Of course banyak makanan2 lain yang ingin saya introduce kepada hakim, like bananas, carrot and sweet potatoes, but I have to follow the four day rules. So only one food in 4 days interval, and I decided to give him brown rice porridge. Perut org melayu sey..harus makan nasi la kan.
Preparing Hakim first solid food was a mess. I mean, I was messy, over-excited and end up making little mistake here and there.
For example.. by taking friend’s advice, I decided to grind the rice first, make one week stock of rice powder, and cook a small cup of it for Hakim every day. So balik dari groceries shopping, dgn excited nye, saya masukkan beras tadi (about 500g) ke dalam my blender..and then..blend sampai hancur. After a while, saya baru terpikir, kenape saya tak basuh beras tu seperti yg saya selalu buat bila masak nasik untuk kami. kesemuanya yg berada di dalam blender tadi..saya buang..huhuhuhu
End up, saya basuh beras, and buat bubur nasi seperti biasa..baru blend. Huhu. Keesokkannya baru saya buat stock rice powder..which when to tong sampah as well after a few days..sebab lepas basuh, saya just jemurkan the whole selepas dua tiga hari..ianya berkulat..huhu I should "sangai" it first, then simpan dalam fridge..learnt my third batch rice powder tu baru betul2 menjadi..huhu..little messy was i? ::grin::
But Hakim doesn’t like rice porridge..he just had a couple of spoons..and then terus buat muka tanak makan..huhu
Selepas hari ketiga, Hakim still tak nak makan. Sedey ada..stress pon ada. Mengikut nasihat rakan, saya buat puree kurma, which is saya rebus dulu kurma..and then bersama dgn air rebusan tadi, saya blend. Alhamdulillah dia suka..maybe sbb kurma tu manis kot, while bubur nasi tu tasteless.huhu..But it lasted only for a couple of days..and then Hakim start buat perangai balik. He will keep his mouth shut ..then geleng2kan kepala..huhu
I didn’t want to force him to I was like..ok lahh..try lain kali. Ianya berlarutan for almost two weeks kot..and bile jumpe his paed, saya jadi stress balik. Sebab according to paed, Hakim mmg kena makan, at least twice a day. Otherwise, nutrition intake mmg kurang la..sbb after 6 months, baby tidak boleh bergantung kepada susu sahaja, he requires makanan pelengkap untuk melengkapkan keperluan nutrisi.
Dengan babysitter pon mmg takde luck saya makin risau. I tried sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrot, ayam, banana..from thick purees to runny purees with mmg tak berjaya..saya hanya mampu kasi dua tiga sudu sehari sahaja..saya risau sampaikan saya membeli biskut Heinz for baby..mmg kalau bole saya mahu elakkan beli makanan baby yg berada di pasaran sekarang..but if that is what it takes utk Hakim makan..i will go for it. But saya just simpan dalam almari je la biskut tu..huhu
Semalam I went to Giant to buy rolled oat..huhu last weekend dah beli oat..but saya terbeli quick cook oat. Bile balik rumah, tgk resepi, dia ckp jgn pakai quick cook or instant petang smlm, balik je dari opis, saya blend oat sampai hancur..tapiskan untuk dapatkan powder oat..and cook it with puree kurma cube. And Hakim loves it!..ya Allah..senang hati semalam bile tgk dia makan sampai abis semangkuk.
Dan pagi tadi..hehehehhe..sebab dapur gas dah abis, saya kasi dia makan biskut Heinz + EBM..he loves it too! no no..umi wont train u eating biskut ye Hakim..yg tu hanya backup dan jugak bile kite travel/shopping sahaja..otherwise umi will prepare ur meal by herself.
So hari ni pegi kije..saya ceria..otherwise..asyik mendung jee..and mengadu kat colleague pasal Hakim tanak makan..hehehhe
Here are a few pictures of him taken this morning. Mata kusyuk melayan Baby Tv, while mulut dok chup chup chup =)