This is the reason why he didn’t want to eat for a couple of weeks..and the reason why saya menjerit tgh2 malam buat bile Hakim gigit my nipple when nursing.. sakitt wooo..gigi baru dua batang..tapi rase nak menitik air mata bile terkena..huhu
On the other hand, Hakim still susah nak makan..but dia makan la jugak..huhu..maybe early in the morning (before saya bertolak pegi opis) is not a good time for him la kot..but umi kena kasi jugak hakim makan.. practice makes perfect dear
However..according to babysitter..Hakim suka makan..especially bile saya buat puree carrot + puree kurma..sampai tak cukup, katanya babysitter..but still..a big no no no to rice porridge..only oat ye umi..(amboii..western btul anak umi ni yee)
Owh..saya nak pegi servis my spectra this Monday..bunyi dia sampai satu opis boleh dengar..bising both of us( hubby n me) are on leave this bleh pegi anta..then bawak Hakim jenjalan =)
Finally..his pic taken last nite around 1pm! Masih gagah dan tak mengantuk..haihh..suke benor stay up ye.

6 commentaires:
hihi...hakim dh ade gigi! comel.. ameer pon macam nak kuar dah gigi... seldom bite me..suke nor bite my elbow haha..
haa tuh laa..before ni dia gatal gusi kot..asik buat muke cam nak gigit orang jee..huhu..then tup2..nampak ade gigi nak tumbuh..huhu..saya ade kasi jari soh dia gigit n hisap..but dia tanak..nipple jugak tempat fav dia..huhu
Amalina... im still waiting for zabi aydan's teeth to come out.. serious cuak.. hehe... skrg gigi x nampak bayang lagi pun sakit gila when he bites. oh... try feeding him lunch n dinner... i notice ZA pun mcm kurang suka breakfast. but lunch ok, dinner berselera cos me n hubby eat with him too... hehe speaking about carrots kan... i baru realise i x pernah bg ZA mkn puree carrot... iskkk... esok nak buatlah!
nanti ado gigi practise gosok gigi dia plok... afif dulu lambat.. 10 bulan baru ado gigi.. and try demo practise dia make finger food... patut bulih doh ajar dia make.
wahh awalnya hakim breakfast..ko pgi ofis pukul brape?
irfan breakfast minum susu je..huhuhuhu
alamak!! cne nti Iman da ade gigi..hehe
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