my sis asked me to bake a huge rainbow cake for her bos farewell party
so on one fine sunday afternoon, my hubby dropped me and Hakim at my sis crib
normally, ada my bro and my sis in law and iris, but that day they went to ikea to shop stuffs for their new house
so hanya ada my sis and my nephew aqeef (4 years old)
after having a good lunch, i started baking the cake
while my sis helped me and aqeef was assigned to look after of Hakim
owh Hakim was well behave..dia suka layan tv, so dia dok depan tv je..huhu
since the cake is really huge (13 inch x 13 inch), i had to make 3 adunan
and of course, ade yg bahan yang tak cukup, which is fresh milk
so my sis pon kuar pegi beli la
sambil dok bancuh adunan tu, i asked aqeef, mane Hakim
(saya still kat dapur, just nampak aqeef je tgh main dgn his Lego)
aqeef ckp" Hakim ade, tu dok tgk tv"
and bile saya jenguk, mmg Hakim tgh tgk tv..
so saya keep bancuh adunan tadi..put all the coloring
sronot pulak main kaler2 ni..mmg mengasyikkan
then I heard pintu depan terbuka..owh kakak ku dah balik la kot
pestu I heard her voice asking " mana Hakim"
dari dapur dan dengan suara yakin dan tenang, saya jawab
"tu ade dok depan tv"
then my sis said "eh tade pon"
dan saya pulak " haaaa?????????"
terus bangun pegi ke ruang tamu..
mmg Hakim takde kat situ
mate berkeliaran carik..kot2 Hakim tengah bawah meja ke apa..
mmg takde!
and suddenly, I heard this familiar voice from upstairs
suara budak macam nak nangis
ape lagi..terus saya pecut panjat tangga
and Hakim was there..on top of the stairs..
dia nangis sbb gelap kot kat atas sbb takde orang
dalam hati ya Allah..takut gilee
seb baek tak jadi pepe kat Hakim..
seb baek tak jatuh
dan the list of seb baek goes on
ya Allah..seriously terkojut!
and there is the story of rainbow cake and Hakim panjat tangga buat kali pertama
his first attempt..dah sampai ke puncak..seroang diri plak tu
fuhhhhh...ok la..i am a bit proud mmg seriously nasib baik takde bende buruk berlaku
and here is a picture of my rainbow cake =)

2 commentaires:
wah 2x terer..1 utk mommy 1 utk hakim..ameer pun dh pandai naik tangga..since baru dpt kaki 2weeks ni..kecut gak perut sebab cpt sgt pandai naik sendri..bru 2 mggu kot..dia lumpsum sume skali terer..hehe..
sedap nmpk kek ade buh dairy x??kalu de ameer tokleh rase.. huwaaa...stresssnye!! cepatlah nak balik ambik dia kat nursery..harap2 dah reduce redness..huhu
thumbsup to ameer too! ameer dah pandai jalan..hakim still nak berpimpin tgn segala..otherwise merajuk la dia...nak jalan, tp cari jari org lain utk pimpin dia..huhuhu
aha..cake ni ade freshmilk..and topping dia from cream cheese and whipped cream.
insya-Allah ameer cepat sembuh
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