It is a hot stuff among BF mommies! Want to have one? Kindly email me at lumiere.damour[a]
vendredi 16 décembre 2011
Medela Freestyle Murah!
It is a hot stuff among BF mommies! Want to have one? Kindly email me at lumiere.damour[a]
vendredi 9 décembre 2011
nous partons en vacances
We are going to Singapore this Sunday! Umi Hakim has to attend and present her paper at a conference..alang2 tu haruslah cuti2 satu family kan
So we are going to drive from here to JB..then amik taxi to enter Singapore
Insya-Allah, Hakim ok je kot travel dia dah survive 3 8hour journeys to KB
mercredi 7 décembre 2011
Sorry for the long silence..ari tu baru je nekad nak slalu blogging pasal hakim
Tetibe hilang pulak..heheehe
Kije bertambun kat office..lebey2 dekat ngan dateline..lagi le bertambun2
A few days before the dateline..siap berkampung kat opis ni sampai tgh malam..
Seb baek walid hakim sgt memahami dan sudi jaga hakim dirumah while umi hakim pulun buat layout utk 50 transistor ::nanges::
I took a dayoff last Friday..sbb pengasuh cuti..ingatkan bleh main guling2 dgn hakim
Turned out that I had to face my lappy more than my cute happy son's face L..dah le lebey 24hours tak tido..
Ok enough said..that was my reason for being silence
facebook dah dekat dua minggu jugak tak gi jengok..dedolu..siap bleh main cityville..sekarang..nak bukak pon tak nyempat..haha
about Hakim..last week dia demam..temp 38
siann anak umi..jangkit dgn saya la kot..because a few days earlier..saye dan en suami dua2 mc sbb demam..huhu
alhamdulillah..demam dia kejap je..but he caught flu as malam2 tido asik tersumbat hidung..nak minum susu pon susah..siann sgt
but he remained active!..takde menangis2 ke ape
dok senyum gelak as usual..takde gaye demam lansung
cume mase dia nak tido dan menyusu tu..dia merengek2 manja..maybe tak selesa kot
poor my lil baby..
paling comel bile kasi dia ubat demam guna syringe..
bile ubat tu masuk dlm mulut dia, dia mengecap2 utk rase ubat tu..then he smiled!
Agaknye sedap kot ubat tu..ade rase manis2 gamaknye..sampai dia bleh senyum..hihihihi
Saye pulak excited tgk ekspresi muka dia bile pertama kali merasa something yg bukan susu ibu..ohh my..cant wait to feed him with home-made solid food =)
ni muke budak demam tp gaye cam tak macam demam :D