We are going to Singapore this Sunday! Umi Hakim has to attend and present her paper at a conference..alang2 tu haruslah cuti2 satu family kan
It will be our first getaway with Hakim..
So we are going to drive from here to JB..then amik taxi to enter Singapore
Insya-Allah, Hakim ok je kot travel jauh2..as dia dah survive 3 8hour journeys to KB
So we are going to drive from here to JB..then amik taxi to enter Singapore
Insya-Allah, Hakim ok je kot travel jauh2..as dia dah survive 3 8hour journeys to KB
kenape tak naik flight?sbb umi Hakim mabuk naik flight..ha ha ha ha
Yesterday, one of my colleague kasi ring sling Mama Patch..
dia dah tak pakai katanya..
rezeki Hakim..sukaa! =)
nak try jalan2 pakai ring sling pulak
tak tau le larat ke idak pikul Hakim yg dah 7kg ++..ngehh ngehh

1 commentaire:
Amalina! ktrg pun nak pegi singapore next weekend! hee hee... tp passport nak buat next week boley x? last minute haha. nak bawak zabi aydan pegi zoo!
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