I had been asking this question myself for a couple of
weeks..well perhaps a month!
Why? Here are some reasons:
- I achieved my weight before pregnancy (not the ideal one tho) when Hakim was 9 months old. It maintained steadily for a while, and then increases up. I was like “WHATTT!!!”
- My appetite. Well…I realize that I eat A LOT lately. my first thought was..well it is normal. Since I gave birth to Hakim..I always lapar even tho I just had a plate full of rice. I guess it is due to breastfeeding..and I was loosing weight..so I don’t really care about it..who will bother btw..you eat but you still loose weight.. but then, somebody told me that I ate like for two..alamak!
- My perut buncit..hahaha. wont elaborate this point.
- Two weeks ago, I went to bed too early..like at 9 or 10pm..seriously I was tired and sleepy. I remembered being at the same state during my early pregnancy.
- My menstrual cycle has not started yet since my last nifas. So I have no indicator. And one of our blogger just realized that she was pregnant and it was already 5 months.
- I had dreams (for two consecutive days) that I was pregnant.
- I thought there were quickening movements. I just felt them..not sure they were real or just gaz.
- Had toothache last Friday..went to dentist, she said there was nothing wrong with my teeth..tade berlubang pon..so I went back to office, still having toothache + headache..my colleague said, tanda org pregnant tu amy..erk!
So, on Sunday morning, I did my pregnancy test.
And it is negative.
Huhuhu..I am not planning anything..frankly, I am not sure
if I am ready to have second child..and if the result were positive, I would
say, well Allah knows best, and He knows I am ready. And I miss being pregnant.
Two days ago, during sahur..teringat pulak my sahur last Ramadhan. The day when
Hakim was born. Yes, it was 1 Ramadhan.
Moral of the story: I eat too much! ngeeeeeee

10 commentaires:
bikin panas la kau ni, haha!
haha ko ni.berdebo aku kahhh
hahah cik amy.. try check semula.. kawe memula test negative.. after 5 days check semula baru positive.. hahahahha baik check (sajo wat demo debar)... :D
hahahah..ko nih buat saspenn je!
cit...kasi suspen sajor!
baru nak cakap congrats. bummer. haha
Amalina: hehehe.. suspen nyaaa entry ni hehe... my mom duk tanya2 am i pregnant sbb asyik demam, pening2... im like... NO!!! takmau!!! hehe. kesian ZA if i pregnant.. but then tu laa, same like u, i masih belum get my menses since bersalin so it's kinda hard to tell. i am strictly planning but then again all forms of contraception bukannya 100% berkesan kan? aduhh... i pun asyik feel bloated lately why ehh? maybe we're getting our menses soon kot?
simptom2 tu saye alami, kecuali yg period xdtg sbb belum penah preggy :) jumpa doc, and die ckp, perut sentiasa lapar tu sbb byk asid dlm badan. so kena makan dgn lebih kerap, but not full meal. hehehe jadi kuranglah saye berharap utk preggy nie :)
guys: haha..tergelak lak bace komen korang..ngeee :)
dina: yes, all forms of contraception are not 100% reliable..teringat cite friend..yg ckp even it is written on condom packaging that this might work 97%..hehhe..but btol la..kadang2 i rase bloated..sampai angin naik ke kepala..pestu pening gile..huhu
so amy? pregnant ke? ;)
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