remember the neckfloat that i bought a few months back from Yun?
had the opportunity to use it last weekend
thanks to his TiTita (auntie rita) for the short stay at Renaissance Hotel KL
hehhe.. that was his first time swimming and he enjoyed very much
believe me..he really enjoyed it..
looking forward for our trip to Langkawi next2 weekend!

2 commentaires:
Dear,afif lama xguna neck float die,hehehehe.rasa mcm da xmuat plk.... :p
owh mann..lame gile saye tak bukak blogger..tak perasan pulak comment yun masuk dalam moderation..selalunye tak payah my approval utk comment..huhu
btw..kitorang suka sgt sgt ngan neck float ni..mmg sgt sgt puas hati :)
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