well..i am a blogger since 2004..but due to a personal reason
i was inactive for a couple of months..
but then, when i become a b2b and i start blog hopping to b2bs' blog
my eagerness to share all about my preparation has overcame my laziness..hahhha
hence the existence of this lumiere d'amour, which means cahaya kasih
(mon prince charmant mmg sgt layan nur kasih..hihi)
but i have no intention to keep this blog permanent
as i already have one
once everything is settled, i shall close it down
or perhaps to use it as a medium to sell some of materials/equipments/cloths that i am going to use for my wedding
renting is also one of the option
but we will discuss it later ek :)
last but not least,
i wanna thanks all brides-to-be for sharing your thoughts and ideas in your blog
as they inspired me a lot (eg payung lace..hahahahha)
gudluck in your preparation
hoping that everything will turn out gorgeous and the way you want it to be =)

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