i adore the idea of having a combination of one large cake with cupcakes..for me, it's pratical, because normally, the bride and the groom will only cut one tiny piece of cake, then ade adegan suap menyuap and taking pictures, and thats all..and worst, our beloved guests sure segan gile nak pegi potong sendiri cake to for themselves kan..so sape yg nak makan cake bertingkat2 tu???
that's why i love the idea of having cupcakes..senang org nak amik tanpa segan silu nak potong ke ape kan..lagipon senang nak distribute..takde yang pening carik pinggan ke ape..
but my mom is against this idea..she said sungguh tak proper letak cupcakes as wedding cake..huhuhuhu..as i said, she wants 3 tiers cakes..and each tier is a real cake, not dummies..haruslahh i mintak sesape tulun potongkan cake tu and distribute to our guests..klu tak sebulan baru abis makan cake tu gamaknye :D

2 commentaires:
now i m looking bakery mana yg blh buat white and plain royal icing/ fresh cream..hajat nk deco sendiri..mcm susah kot nk mengada2 camtuh..humm..
royal icing?not fondant kan?
if im not mistaken, royal icing is a bit easier than fondant..cakes kat atas ni sume fondant..but there are ready-made pastes, so just beli then golek2 sendiri je
if royal icing, rasenye pakai telur putih and icing sugar, and some drops of lemon juice
kat kb tak tau plak kat mane cake yg best..maybe bleh try muhibbah..or ask Kak La ke
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