as we had a weekend of 3 days..and i was entitled for 1 day replacement leave (ganti cuti 1 Mei ari tu)
so au total, it was a weekend of 4 days..(but still not enough laa :( )
ekceli, i had been looking for this, because i wanted to finalize all about attires and pelamin
plus mon prince charmant pon nak tempah bilik pengantin ngan NTouch..
so our first destination was of course NTouch
pagi2 lagi dah sampai tau..
but as usual, it was difficult to decide
bile tgk gambar pelamin2 baru yg start mule rambang mate..
and thank God, all of them are not within my budget..ngehh ngehh ngehh
so i just stick to yg awal2 di tempah..walaupon design agak lama
malas dah nak pk lebey2
as for attire, staff kat situ (her name is Kak Ira if im not mistaken) said ade baju2 baru akan masuk bulan 7 nanti
kak long (Kak La's daughter) pon ade confirmkan yg she's going to Indonesia to pick up those cloths July nanti..
so to b2bs yg bercadang or dah book KakLa
sile attack kedai KakLa July nanti, most probably end of month
sebab ade baju2 baru akan masuk..sure lagi vogue terbabas!!! =)
ai pon dah bercadang2 ngan mon prince charmant nak balik lagi akhir bulan 7 nanti, insya-Allah
en attendant, i dah book 2 attires la..satu beaded lace kaler maroon utk majlis bertandang
and satu lagi, beaded lace kaler cream just for suka2 or maybe photo shoot..huhu
untuk baju persandingan, i dah letak deposit utk tempah kat jalan Tar..wooohoooooo..dapat pakai songket kaler hijau yg ai nakkk..weeeeeeeeeheeeee
cume probnye..i takde veil + kasut + accessories utk akad nikah n sanding (sebab dua2 baju tu ai tempah)
so terpakse i amik dari Ntouch je..and price sgt reasonable..klu sume beli sendirik..mau melayang tiga empat ratus lagi..fuhhhhh (tapi ade still ade hati nak tempah veil ngan Pn Vispera because sgt very the chantekk!!!)
about bunga pahar, my mom and I already bought the materials
and we already started making bunga pahar..skang dah siap 10 cucuk
another 90 to go
i must say, my mom mmg ade gift dlm buat mende2 cemni
as bunga pahar tu sgt sweet, nice color, dan tak crowded sgt
kitorang buat bunga stoking tau..and the cost is rm2 setiap satu
sungguh murah dari beli kat kedai
about gubahan hantaran, my mom dah explain panjang lebar ape yg patut di buang, ape yg patut di tambah
and my future MIL pon dah tunjuk design camne yg dia berkenan
so we dah beli bahan2 yg sepatutnya
and I will try my best utk memenuhi kehendak semua pihak
huhuhuhu..mmg la ai yg akan berkahwin..but sometimes it makes me feel better bile dapat please another person, especially my mom
as long as dia berkenan, than ai follow je
tapi cuak jugak la takut tak jadi cam org nak kan..huhuhu
self confidence mmg rendah btol
we all jugak sempat usha dinar emas
will update about it soon
till then, folks!

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