basically..and i think my mom will agree with me..i want embroidery tissue box cover..
and when u say embroidery it means dunt-ever-dream-about-it-if-ur-budget-is-soo-ciput..ngeehh ngeeh ngehh
range harga kat malaysia..rm10 and above.... cth yg i jumpe:

and i wud be so glad to give that to my beloved estimated 700 guest..of wud be a way of appreciation to my guest for coming and celebrating my big day..except for after my wedding, u would not be able to see me anywhere as i would be hiding for the rest of my life from the ahlongss..u wudnt want this to happen rite? :)
BUt..i ade terserempak satu sarung tisu sulam yg harga rm6..agak2 if i order 700 pieces, nak tak dia kurangkan harga jd rm1? :D

ok yg ni lagi i suke..macam english sket..n harga pon not bad: rm4 utk tempahan 501-1000

then i try plak soh en google cari embroidery tissue box cover from china..kot2 la lg murah kan..and i found this website: source
then i try plak soh en google cari embroidery tissue box cover from china..kot2 la lg murah kan..and i found this website: source

tak tau harganye sgt sweet la pulakk..shud i contact these suppliers fr china?can they be trusted? and nak ke diorang postkan 700 sarung kotak tisu je?hihihihihi fav one is, (yes, i save the best for last..jeng jeng jeng)..from Lotta Jansdotter

chantekk kaan?simple yet it looks elegant..and it fit my theme color: green!!
but it is 32 USD!!! sobb. u do the math: 32 x 3.2 x 700 + shipping = new honda city
but it is 32 USD!!! sobb. u do the math: 32 x 3.2 x 700 + shipping = new honda city

9 commentaires:
babe..saya pon cari mende2 ni! tapi bukan sarung kotak tisu tapi lapik meja yg kecik tu..rasa nk pegi beijing je beli..huhuhu..less than rm1 tau kt sana..adui laa..
pelis pelis..share with me kalau jumpa cheap source.
ehhh..if u pegi beijing..i nak tumpang order skali tauu! hihihihihi :p
tuh la kann..kat sane murah not a cheapskate..but seriously sy bukan org kaye or anak org kaye..thus i need to find something within my budget range
hey the third one is so cute and simple!! nice one!!
aha..i pon berkenan yg tu jugak =)
best nye klo die kurangkan jadi rm1 knn klo beli bnykkk..
klo dapat kurangkan rm1...u kabar2 kan kepada kami b2b k!!~:D
ouch, new honda city! hehe. hopefully ada yang sanggup turunkan harga. hee
elyalemo: itu la kann..besttt nyee if ade yg sudi kurangkan till rm1..hihhihi will definitely share the info kat sini..harus i bold with large font ok =)
belle: ouuuccchhh =)
wow!if ada yg rm1 i pun nk jgk ada ek sarung kotak tisu rm1?hahaha..mcm xlogic plk
missbutterfly: if beli kat m'sia..mmg tade la if kumpul all b2bs yg nak kasi kotak tisu as doorgift..klu order 10k (1k utk each b2b) maybe supplier malaysia is willing to turunkan harga to rm1 :)
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