as that person looked so eager to know about my wedding plan, i was excited as well to pour all the information.
but, what i got in return was u-r-tasteless or u-r-not-good-in-planning-a-wedding or i-dunt-like-ur-plan-at-all look.
it's really does!
this is my wedding..and i am want it to be my way....i still can tolerate my mom's way tho..but not from u!
another person came......and asked me the same question.
without looking at that person's face, i said "in progress" and full stop.
i smiled tho, and it was the nicest smile i ever faked.
lesson learned.
but i wondered still, why those kind of people cant be supportive? do they just ask questions in order to condem u afterward? mental.
another person came....without asking any Q, this person said "i heard u are not going to put this, u r not going to do that..well in my opinion, u shud do like this..yada yada yada yada.
i freaked out, thus i ran away. what is wrong with those people?

9 commentaires:
oh my. sabar jekla. aish. takpe, share dengan kite-kite je.. hehe. kami sentiasa support anda! hehe
dear, i'm facing the same problem! rasa nak emo je. tp pikir nk jaga hati..bengang sndiri. comment n condemn sangat berbeza!!! geram kan.. u're doing fine! learn to abaikan bunyi2 sumbang.
abaikan jea diorg cik amy... diorg actually jeles .. huhuhuh.. it is your wedding.. so ikut demo la nok wat stail gapo pung...jgn layan sgt pok2 tuh..
yup. yup. like everyone said... just ignore them... i think everyone will face those kinda people...
ada gak my friend yang macam tu. i tell them to the face je, "God u sound jealous..." pastu i gelak...
because i think they were... huahahaha
thanks for ur comment guys =)
belle: hihihi tu la..untung betul ade blog ni =)
sikecil: definitely have to..dah le kite stress about our preparation..if tak tutup telinga, bertambah2 stressnye nanti
tik: hahah terbaik..ore segho pon sek2 tu jenih jeles jugok :p
ZARA: omg..i wish i cud see their face when u laugh at them..hihihi
psycho/jerk jer tu..bosan la dgn org2 mcm ni..xder keja.ignore jer ok?
bukan setakat busan..malah menyampah gle..huhuhuhu
this is the reason why i don't talk about my wedding plan to any of my friends. except my BFF since she's getting married as well and she's my BFF.
yup..dunt share anything with ur friends or relatives..but only with people that u r close to =)
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