my first assumption was:" means, semua keluarga di jemput hadir la bleh bawak the whole fam dtg makan..because utk certain majlis esppecially yg kat dewam..seats are if dia ckp anda dan pasangan..then mmg dua org je yg kne dtg..owhh i seeee" this was my first innocent thought :D
tp..kat dlm sesetengah kad tu, ade plak tulis, "turut mengundang: a list of adik beradik pengantin" ..uiks..kenape pulak..sah2 le adik beradik diundang dan akan hadir ke majlis kite..
then here was my second innocent thought: maybe bakal pengantin nak show his/her appreciation kat his/her siblings..that's why he/she wants to list down all the names of adik beradik..special undangan gituu..owhhh i sunggguh seeeeee =D
then when the day came for me to have my own wedding invitation card..i called my mom first in order to confirm the wording with her..and i still can remember that i asked her this specific question:
me: mama, org letak "turut mengundang: seisi keluarga" la ek..sbb ari tu mama ckp nak jemput "nama jemputan" dan keluarga ke kenduri. kire seisi keluarga la kan?
mama: kalau bole, mama nak listkan nama semua anak2 mama dlm tu..even nama amalina skali..dan jugak menantu2 mama
i was like HAAA? awat plak nak jemput myself to my wedding..sah2 le i hadir okay ::grin::
but as a loyal daughter..i just said yes, without trying to understand why my mom requested that.
so i put all my siblings name, under "turut mengundang", except for my name, because i still felt it is ridiculous to invite myself to my wedding..
then my hp sang "aku dan dirimu" song, my mom called me back.
mama: klu boleh..mama nak letak name nenek skali dlm turut mengundang..kire nenek wakil family kite utk mengundang org jemputan..
seriously, i masih blur2 tak paham, but as usual, i just said "ok mom"..
after a few days..this "turut mengundang" still bothered me..lagipon i ade 6 adik beradik..tolak my name..kire ade 5..dan menantu plak is a long list..
dlm card sy tu pon cukup2 muat je..dah le nak letak contact number lagi kan..
after berfikir panjang and try utk memahami maksud tersurat dan tersirat di sebalik "turut mengundang" , AT LAST..baru i paham..ya Allah..sungguh slow..this thing had haunted me for agess..each time i saw a wedding card, i always asked my self..kenape kne ade "turut mengundang"..rupanya2, it means, names that are listed under "turut mengundang" invite the people who receive the card too. So basically, not only my parents invite them, but the whole family as well. Owhhh Myyy God!! ( sile sebut dgn slang Janice dlm cite friends)
the end. =D
p/s 1: now, shud i put my name or not under the "turut mengundang"??
p/s 2: i dah dpt draft from LH creative..well not bad at all..there are some mistakes here and there..biggest mistake is they put "turut mengundang" instead of "aturcara majlis" erkkk..yg tu sgt obvious ok..and there are wrong spelling for names and maps as for the design..everything is ok except for the color of hot's clearly stated on the invoice that we want to have gold hotstamping..lagi dia letak kaler hitam..hihi..will give them our feedback this tuesday.

10 commentaires:
im following ur card progress... (crossing fingers) crossing my fingers too..harap sgt sumenye ok..
ari ni my fiançe showed me kad jemputan kawen kawan dia..and it is from lh creative as well..and guess wat..there is a typo error on turut's written turt..seriously, for me this kind of error is inacceptable..for sure diorang ade sort of layout ke ape utk design diorang..but apparently not
so open ur eyes seluas yg boleh when u check ur draft :)
LH creative? ok tak? berapa range harga kad dia ye? kalo yg emboss n hotstamping tu..
my fiance pon kekonpiusan dengan turut mengundang tue. dia pon fikir sm macam u. smpaikan vendor tu kena explain kat dier konsep turut mengundang ni baru dia paham.. hehe
tu la.. error2 mcm tu mmg slalu terjadi. me myself pon terlepas pandang dekat tarikh hijrah dekat my wedding card. trus salah.. huhu
harga dia murah.. between rm1 - rm1.30 utk cetak 500 keping..klu seribu i bet sure lagi kne careful gle bile tempah..and bile nak approve draft..
if u google2, ade b2bs yg complaint serveice diorang..ngeee
aifa: hihihihi i tot i sorang je yg salah paham...ngeeeee~
omg!! amalina, i pun penings bab mengundang seisi keluarga..
kannnn!! i mmg betul2 tak pahammm sgt ape gunanya turut mengundang itu..hihihihihihihi
hye..after bace ur n3 ni, br saye paham ape itu maksud "turut mengundang"...haha..thx dear..i pon dh tersalah paham sebijik mcm u jgk..undangan utk seisi keluarga or adik-beradik..hee...
hye there..ramai jugak yg salah paham rupenye..buatkan i terpk balik..btol ke ape yg i explain kat post ni? hihihi
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