but frankly, i sendirik tak tau btol ke tak..tp pegi gamble je buat kat klinik kesihatan kat shah alam..till jaja tanye about this test kat comment..as i tanak ade prob mase nak akad nikah, so the best way is to call JAHEAIK itself.
and this fine lady told me well, u can do the test at any klinik kesihatan kerajaan, use any borang that u want, as long as it is stated that the result is negative/positive, which is not in my case :(
i explained to her that it's the gov policy where the result is no longer indicated on the form, but she insisted it is a must, otherwise i might face some prob in submitting my nikah form..aiyooooooo
but she kindly faxed to me the form from JAHEAIK for hiv test, so that i can go back to the klinik and asked the doctor to fill it up and tick negative or positive. ::sighhhhh::
harap2 doktor kat klinik tak manyak songeh sgt utk isi borang tu ::sighhhhhh::
last resort, bile balik kltn mase puasa nanti, pegi buat test kat sane..confirm takde masalah dah.
info: according to JAHEAIK, ujian hiv test mesti dilakukan seawal-awalnya 3 bulan sebelum tarikh nikah, kalau tidak, tidak sah.

4 commentaires:
dear, did you go to clinic kesihatan shah alam at section 7? so do i have to have a separate form stating that i dont have HIV?
yup..i pegi kat situ...
i tak tau procedure utk state lain macam mane..tp utk b2b dari kltn, JAHEAIK insists kat borang tu kne ade tulis negative/positive :(
oh..3mths before nikah..ok2. noted.buat kt klntn lah senang2..hehe.. thanks for the info!
tu lah..buat kt kltn senang..huhuhu
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