but rite now, im kinda busy with this
it looks colourful, lovely n nice to be seen..but it took me half of day just to do the routingg..and it is not finished yet!!!!
this is a zoom out of the pic above..and the orange cloud with numbers everywhere, is where i am currently working on..and i have to do the interconnections with other blocs.. ::big sighhhhhhh::
the dateline is this wednesday..hoping i can finish it on time

2 commentaires:
waaaa...lama gilerr dah aku tak tengok pembinaan2 'bndr' camnih..hihii..
how r u babe?
i enjoy reading ur blog...
rs rugi plak dat i didnt collect my moments dolu2..
hye faraaaaaaaaa...
aku tgh stress :(
office work and my wed preps
mase berlalu dgn pantas..tp aku slow cam siput dalam semua hal..
aku tau manyak mende nak kne buat..tp aku just takut to do anything..takut tak cantik..takut tak berkenan..takut ade yg lebey baek..aiyooooo
btw, thanks for dropping by dear
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