My sis ajak pegi wedding colleague dia..mule2 i tot nak dok rumah, try to do the gubahan or thank u card..but then, i realized yg wedding yg terakhir yg i attend was my bff wedding, akhir tahun lepas..and i craved for nasi i said yes. It was saturday afternoon.the weather in the morning was not bad at all..but when we started to bersiap, hujan turun mencurah2..and i glanced to the wedding invitation card and noticed that rombongan pengantin tiba at 2pm..owhh poor them
The kenduri was at Putra height..they opened 5 khemah, with one of them was for meja beradap..when we reached there, the groom had just arrived(we heard the kompang)..and tell ya..hujan mmg lebat gile..
as everyone was busy with the bride and the groom, takde sape pon dtg sambut kitorang (lagipon hujan lebat, so maybe susah sket skot as all the invitees berkejaran dari kereta ke khemah) we all sesuke hati pegi masuk dlm khemah, dan terus makan..(lapa gile noks)
time kitorang makan, the pengantin baru menuju ke meja beradap..and by the time kitorang nak blah, pengantin still kitorang just pegi dekat n wished congrats.
and kitorang balik dgn tangan kosong..diorang terlupe kasi doorgifts :D
but wat i do realize is, hujan mmg buat semua kelam kabut..maybe tuan rumah dah plan, and assigned org utk buat itu dan bile dah sume dah terlupe ape yg perlu dibuat..
pestu air plak bertakung dlm khemah (eventho khemah di pasang di atas jalan raya) agak kurang comfortable la..baju sy mmg basah dah..time makan plak kne kepit kain tu dari jatuh cecah air..huhuhu..budak2 sy tengok sume seronok..sebab dpt main air..hihihihi
pepehal..both of them looked gorgeous and lovely..theme color was hijau pucuk pisang..which will be my theme color as well =)
2. Survey candy kat OU
for doorgift, my mom nak beli beg kain berbunga kecil kat depan, and inside she wants to put cookies dan selebeynye yg sy tak tahu..yes my mom yg kasi idea, sy menurut perintah shj, bukan sy tanak amik kisah psl doorgift just serah kat my mom to decide, because frankly, i have no idea on what to put in our doorgift! =D
as for cookies, my sis n i will bake them by sis is good in baking cookies..klu sy bawak kat opis, tak pepasal org slalu singgah kat my desk sebab nak amik cookies tu..huhuhu
and my sis has this idea to put candies as well, and she knows there is a candy shop in rite after the kenduri, we headed to OU to survey the price..
i cant remember the name, but i still remember the price.
according to the salesgurl, the candies are packed per kilo, but min order is 6kg. The price for 6kg is RM7++, without packaging. A bottle/jar costs u rm1.50 no matter which size it is. Erkk..ok..cancel letak candy..huhuhuhu
3. Beli papers utk DIY thank u tag
kat OU jugak, i singgah kat MPH utk beli kertas for my diy thank u tag..mule2 ingat nak pegi carik kat le papier, the curve, because kat sane, mmg ade manyak kertas yg chantek2 n rs malas gile nak pegi the curve, semate2 nak cari rembat kertas kat mph ajork..senang =)
4. Anta kain hantaran utk dijahit
my future MIL nak kasi 3 pasang kain as hantaran..and mase balik ari tu, dia ckp tak payah susah2 tempah baju lain utk raya..amik je kain hantaran 3 pasang tu, n tempah that after the w-day, bleh pakai terus utk raya =)
idea yg bagus..cume sy tak tau nak tempah kat mane..becoz tailor yg slalu saye jahit tu dah tutup utk tempahan raya..seb baek awal2 dah anta dua kain utk raya kat situ, so bole la switch..pestu, klu bole, ingat nak letak beads utk 3 pasang kat kl/sngor ni tak tau lak kat mane nak tempah murah n chantek...klu kat kltn tau cam susah je nak tempah sini then anta balik kltn utk jahit beads...lagipon my future MIL pesan jgn tunjuk kat my mom lagi kain tu..huhuhuhu
so ahad lepas, misi pegi memujuk my tailor supaya terima ketiga2 kain tu..seb baek dia nak..and dia ckp dia bleh outsource utk beads skali..yeayyyy!!! senang kije aii..hihihi
cume awal2 saye dah pesan, budget per kain is not more than rm200..klu tak pengsan sy nak baya nanti..lebey2 bile dekat ngan my big day..sure poket keringg gilee..waduhhhh

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