utk yg dah ade body cun melecun tu..mmg tak kesah la kot
tp in my case..huhuhu mmg kne hilangkan berkilo2 lemak
and it is not easy as abc
dulu mase kat perancis..ai mmg tak pnah amik pusing pasal berat
makan macam mane pon, still maintain je
sebabnye manyak pkai public transport, manyak jalan kaki
kadang2 time spring or summer..dari rumah tu saya jalan kaki je pegi town center
semata2 nak makan haagen dazs..and it took about 30 mins
so sedar tak sedar..mmg sy excercise dok sane
satu lagi, makanan yg halal utk dimakan agak susah
unless klu rajin masak la kan
daging ayam mentah yg halal tu senang nak jumpe
tp makanan yg siap dimasak yg boleh di beli tu susah
yg ade hanyalah sandwich or roti
so hari2 makan mmg tak tentu..
selalunye mase weekend, mmg saya bermewah sket..masak ayam masak merah
masak nasi ayam, kari ke
and for sure berlebih2 so that buleh tahan dua tiga hari during weekdays
so balik je dari kelas terus hangatkan balik je
kelas saya setiap hari from 8 to 6..
jauh plak tu, nak balik umah makan mmg tak sempat
slalunye makan choc bar, mars ke kinder bueno ke, kit kat je as alas perut
if ade duit lebey sket..beli sandwich, tu pon ikut selera anak tekak
hari2 makan sandwich tuna telur mayonaise..mmg buhsan :D
ade time saye tgh ade masalah peribadi,time tu mase bulan ramadhan
nak masak takde mood, asik dok berendam dgn air mata je
tiap2 hari saya makan cereal je, sahur makan cereal
bukak puasa pon makan cereal
hampir sebulan saya cemtu, n tanpa disedari badan saya susut gile2
huhuhuhu..tp skang dah naik gile2 la pulak..hihihihi
kat m'sia ni lain sket..mmg susah nak berpantang
lebih2 lagi makanan senang nak cari..start keta, kluar dari kawasan tpt kita tinggal
dah berderet2 warung tepi jalan yg jual makanan
tak amik kire lagi restaurant2 fastfood yg tumbuh dgn banyaknye di sini
lagi le membangkit selera kan
paling teruk, bile sy start keluar wif mon prince charmant
mmg tiap2 kali keluar asik makannn je
walaupon tak lapa...tetap singgah kedai makan
konon2 nak teman si dia makan
skali nampak nasi goreng paprik..terus meleleh2 air liur
but since sy jadi his official fiancee
i decided to stop all this weight gain
i have to do something..otherwise saye akan membulat macam belon raksase
wat did i do was firstly
try to exercise..but i hate jogging! so i just walk for about 1 hour every sunday morning
which was a bit difficult la jugak
malas nak bangun awal pagi
klu lambat sgt, matahari dah tinggi..panas pulak nak jalan2
then i decided to try jusmate 5
but it didnt work for me
when i drank it, i felt dizzy..terus tak bleh buat kije the whole day
and with the strict regime..i cudnt stand that
so i stopped taking jusmate 5
next, i tried SDII..high protein diet
i kinda like it, eventho the first time when i tasted it
macam minum air gandum..mmg eewww
but then, bile dah biase..rase sedap plak :)
and wat i really like about SDII is
you have to eat in order to slim down
as i said, it is a high protein diet
so i have to take 3 meals everyday..cant miss any ye
but take only proteins..no carbo is allowed, ohh and sugar too
so i can eat lamb chop, kfc or any protein dish as i like
tp perut sy ni mmg perut org melayu
tak bleh miss makan nasi :(
so i still amik nasi, but in a very tiny potion during lunch :D
and i have to drink a lot of water..cold water is advisable
it is because, ur cells work a lot in order to burn those fat
thus you have to take a lot of water
or you may have complication with ur kidneys
in SDii diet, i cant take choc and caffeine drink
because according to SDii, choc n caffeine will decrease the burning rate
so i stop taking that..well not as frequent as i was (i was a coffee drinker)
so once in a couple of weeks..bile rase teringin sgt..then ai minum la jugak :D
other than that, mon prince charmant is so supportive
ever since he knows that i want to lose some kilos
he is kindly willing to accompany me walking after office hour
so we do that 2 to 3 times a week..when the time allows
last but not least, i take apple cider
source apple cider yg ni yg i beli kat cold storage, harga around rm6.50 utk size16 fl oz
i was told that apple cider can increase our metabolisme rate
so each day, i add one teaspoon of apple cider into my drinking water
and have it twice daily, before meals
rite now. i already lost 4 kilos..since feb
means 1kg per month
it was not that fast as i wanted it to be
but losing some kilos already make me happy..and motivated to lose more :D
my big day is in 3 months and i want to lose another 10kg
i do the maths, i have to lose around 3kg per month
owh crap..it sounds impposible :(

2 commentaires:
hye..i like to read ur blog =)
nway,,u, bole i tau,dr mane yeh nk dapat apple cider?
hye there..u bole cari apple cider kat mane2 supermarket..carrefour, tesco or giant
mine, i bought it kat cold storage, brand Heinz..rm 6.50 rasenye yg botol size sederhana/kecil
btw, i dah link to ur blog =)
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