im trying hard to lose some kilos
seriously, nak ckp kat korang berat i before this pon segan tau
huhuhuhu..lets say, i gained almost 10kg bile i start bermastautin di m'sia ni..huhu
teruk tak? :D
so currently, im on SD11 and apple cider
i drink a lot of water..more than 8 glass every day
and i try kurangkan amount of rice in my daily intake, and avoid mkn malam :D
dan jugak i dah stop (well almost) minum kopi, tea or air2 manis ni
unless bile tgh stress gile (like a few days back, tgh siapkan circuit utk kejar dateline)
i did take one cup of nescafe during coffee break
and i have badminton training twice per week
it works!!
now jeans pon dah longgar
baju kurung pon dah nampak terletak kat badan
cume baju2 kurung zaman i kat perancis dulu still tak muat :(
so there is a friend of mine, yg promote Melilea pulak
i said why not giving a shot..
kot2 la lagi cepat pulak berat tu turun...ngeeeeee
harga pon tak de mahal sgt
so sy pon try la
i beli yg ni:

Melilea Greenfield Organic

Apple Orchard
hurm..if u take Melilea Greenfield Organic shj
sure korang tak dpt minum..because taste dia sungguh tak sedap
tp my friend ni soh i amik skali ngan Apple Orchard
thus ade rase epal masam2 sket..
mase kawan i dtg tu, dia mintak ais kosong kat canteen
n letak one scoop of MGO and 3 scoof of AO
kacau2 n kasi i try..sumpah i rase sedap gle...huhuhuhu
tp i angkut botol kecik la a trial
if sesuai then nanti nak beli botol besar plak
Melilea pon ade propose plan pemakanan utk org2 yg nak diet
tp yg i tak suke is: dia propose soh ganti all ur food with MGO ni, step by step
omg..i seriously cant do that..
so i just amik MGO as supplement aje
satu lagi reason i amik MGO is for my face skin
i ade masalah jerawat kat muka
before ni i slalu buat facial kat Leonard Drake n pakai Dermalogica products
but is expensive (for me la) so sejak i bertunang ari tu n kumpul duit utk kawen
i stop LD and Dermalogica
so my skin kembali berjerawat..muhahahahha
now i tgh try Mary Kay..hasilnye not bad..and a lot more cheaper than Dermalogica of course :D
i dah try care luaran utk cantikkan kulit muka
and taking MGO is cara dalaman la pulak utk bersihkan ape yg tak kna
buang toxic org kate..huhuhu..i tak sure btol ke idak
yg i tahu..sayuran2 mmg bagus utk kesihatan =)
for further details of Melilea products, sile lawat Go Organic
so skang ni, rutin sy adelah:
bangun pagi, before wuduk, minum air masak 1 gelas
before going to work, minum 250ml of SDII
bile sampai opis n before breakfast, minum 250ml of MGO+AO
between breakfast n lunch: drink at least 3 glass of water, with one glass has 1 tbs of apple cider
after lunch: another one glass of water and 1tbs of apple cider, and a lot of water
diner: take another 250ml of MG0+AO
p/s 1: normally i shud take 4 times of 250ml lately susah plak nak buat..huhuhu so sy amik pagi je

4 commentaires:
ok ke milelia ni? nk maintain tu yg susah..kalu ade kenduri kawen lg payah nk amik milelia ni
tak tau la ok ke tak..i baru try seminggu.. :)
nak maintain tu, tgk tujuan kite kot..i amik as supplement..utk cuci kotoran dalamam dan baiki kulit..bukan utk program diet. so makan pon sesuke hati at least sekali sehari la
amalina..dulu pun i minum melilea...mmg turunn laa...
but, maintainance mahal sgt la..i tak sanggup..
skang i pakai korset jee tuk maintain...
salam kenal ya:)
hye elyaelmo..thanks for dropping by.
pasal turun ke tak tu..serious tak tau..mmg nak minum melilea just utk cantikkan kulit je =)
u pkai korset yg beautiful tu ke?wahhh..mak tak mampuu..huhuhu
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