i think it's better to clear out about duit hantaran in kelantan
well..it happens that here in kelantan, we do not have duit hantaran
we just have mas kahwin aje
so if the groom bawak rm10 juta (exaggerate sket), then mase akad tu nanti akan kedengaran: Aku terima nikahnya...bla bla bla..dgn 10juta ringgit tunaii..
and fyi, rm10 juta tu adalah hak milik the bride, as ianya adalah mas kahwin
so ianya terletak di atas budi bicara pengantin perempuan (dan jugak parents) untuk menggunakan duit itu utk kenduri atau tidak
in my family, selalunye duit tu mmg akan jadi milik pengantin
and selalunya, diorang akan beli set barang kemas dgn duit yg diperolehi
as for me, my mom already said she wont touch the money
cume dia pesan jgn la bersuke suki plak ngan duit tu
simpan elok2..utk buat downpayment rumah ke..or masukkan dlm ASB
my only concern is the amount!
i do not want to burden mon prince charmant by asking him to put rm20k (for example) as mas kahwin...
and i do not want to hurt my family's feeling if the amount is too small, compared to mas kahwin sekarang yg mmg selumber badak cecah belasan ribu ringgit..
because mesti ade sanak sedara, jiran, or teman2 yg akan mengata if mas kahwin rendah kan?
dah le zaman sekarang org letak harga based on kelulusan
regarding my status as oversea's masters degree holder, sah2 lagi la high expactation diorang..sighhh
both of us come from humble and modeste family
thus we are not looking for anything extravaganza ke ape
me personally, im not looking for high big figure
i know where i come from, and who he really is
mas kawin is a must, but the amount to bergantung kepada rezeki masing2
as i said, klu nak belasan ribu tp menyusahkan org, buat ape kan?
sadly, we live in a society yg suke mengata..who loves comparing one person with another
nanti mulelah dgr cite..
"cik kiahh..awak tau tak..anak si polan2 tu mas kawinnya sekian2..dah le mengaji tinggi..anak sedara saya just diploma dapat 3 kali ganda tau"
frankly, im ok with this kind of remark..but i dunt think my family members can stand that
especially my mom, sure terase kan org mengata pasal anak dia
and i dunt blame her as kadang2 kata2 orng ni mmg sgt kureng ajor
so i opt for dinar mas
which is convenience for everyone
in kltn (im not sure with other states)
we can buy dinar mas, and use it as mas kahwin
so instead of hearing...."rm10 juta tunai"..u olz are going to hear " 50 dinar emas tunai" or sthing like that la
but the most important is, the exact amount of mas kahwin in rm is hidden
nobody will know it..unless cik kiah tu mmg bersungguh2 nak tahu berape mas kahwin hang
dia pegi check berapa nilai dinar mas sekarang
haa..org cemni mmg jenis suke jage tepi kain orang..even klu bleh kat dlm kain pon dia nak jage
satu lagi kenape ai setuju pakai dinar mas is
it is one sort of pelaburan
as harga emas ade naik dan turun
if we sell it mase harga tgh naik
so naik lah nilai sebenar mas kahwin tu nanti
and i tak rase nak pakai pon lagi duit tu
so eloklah biarkannye terperam
and when the time comes, baru tuka kepada duit biase
hoping that i will have 5x from the buying price
time tu mmg mokcik sgt kayo la kan!! =)
my parents agree with the idea
cume tunggu my papa pegi discuss ngan tok imam
if tok imam pon setuju, so i will proceed with the plan
ari tu balik dah usha2 psl dinar mas
rasenye ade manyak tempat where we can buy dinar mas
one of them is ar-rahn
ari tu pegi tanye, dia ckp dah out of stock, kne pegi another cawangan
so to b2bs yg rase nak pkai dinar mas
maybe bleh usha awal n beli awal
karang by the time nak beli, takde plak dinar mas, haru plak kan :D
last reason
ai sudah terbayang satu frame utk syiling2 tu
yes..dinar mas comes in syilling
rasenye sebesar duit 50 sen or 20 sen
according to ar-rahn staff
there are 2 dinar mas
1 dinar mas
0.5 dinar mas
and 0.25 dinar mas
so sure chantek kan klu letak dlm frame
senang di bawa, dan berkilau keemasan, sure chantek!

2 commentaires:
wow..this was a gr8 idea lah..ermm..boleh share mcm mana nak beli dinar emas ni? hurmm..boleh kan sorok2 bape nilai mas kawen kite...iskh..i shud post this in my entry once hana dah tau procedure n harganye dlm MYR..
hihi..thanks for sharing..salam perkenalan..
btw email hana: blissnlunacylovers@gmail.com
where do u come fr dear? sbb i tak sure if dinar mas as mas kawin/hantaran is acceptable kat semua states, the safest move is to ask org yg nk nikahkan u guys nanti or pejabat kadi.
dr ape en google ckp, dinar mas can only be bought kat kltn, check this website http://www.dinarkel.com/wtb.html
so utk org dari negeri lain, serious sy tak tau..sorry
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