and i cant blame b2bs who are complaining about them
if i were at their place..sure i panik gile kan
dah le berlambak2 perkara yg perlu diselesaikan
dari sebesar2 dinosour to sekecil2 clown fish
trust me, u will not have enough ink and papers to list everything down
anyway, their stories scared me a bit
because i dah anta my kain utk di tempah
and no..i takde upah designer ke ape..
just tempah kat butik pengantin, the same place where i tempah baju bertunang ari tu
my mom kinda of suke jahitan dan cara dia potong baju i
so dia request i tempah kat tempah yg same =)
anyway..bile i bace cite pasal prob dgn desinger n vendors ni
opkos i cuak jugak ok..because i dah anta kain utk di tempah mase bulan 4/5 gitu
and since then, tak pnah2 terpk nak tanye progress baju till i bace blog b2bs yg lain
so terus i pegi call auntie tu tanye pasal baju
first call..takde org jawab..second call, still takde
and sampai fifth call pon gitu..erkkk..apekahh
i called every one hour ok..takde la i nak hasle auntie tu sampai call setiap 5 mins..hihihi :D
tak senang duduk la jugak
then after lunch hour, i tried call lagi
alhamdulillah auntie tu jawab
so i introduced myself, and hajat i call dia utk tahu progress baju macam mane
mule2 dia cam blank2..maybe tak ingat kot customer mane satu
dia tanye kain ape yg i dgn detail n gelabah nye i described kain i tu
seb baek after that dia ckp.."oohhh Amalina dr kltn tu ye..janji siap awal bulan July kan"
fuhhhhhhh i felt so relieved when i heard what she said..
so i wasnt totally forgotten :D
and according to her, baju i is still on going..insya-Allah can meet the dateline
janji nak pegi fitting 10th of July..insya-Allah
legaaaaaaaaa =)
p/s: nothing to do with wed preps: my circuit dah siap..and dah dihantar ke fabrication..yeay! bleh concentrate balik kat my wed::sukeeee::

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