kat sini tak payah buat appointment, but u have to come at 2 pm sharp!!
if dtg awal, even 5 mins early pon, mmg tak dapat nak register utk amik test.
seriously i dunt know why, but pakcik yg jage kaunter smlm mmg made fun of all the bakal pengantin la. tepat kol dua, dia kuarkan borang yg dah ready ngan angka giliran..and all the pengantin of course la terkam kat meja kaunter kan...sronot pakcik tu gelak2 tgk ramai2 org Q utk amik borang tu..eeeii sekali tgk rase meluat pon ade.
well the test didnt take too long..lame pon sebab nak tunggu makcik tu key in the data dlm computer utk registration. then pegi ke kaunter 13 utk buat ujian.
i tot dia akan amik darah kat lipatan siku as usual, so awal2 lg i dah lipat lengan baju ke siku..
skali dia cucuk kat hujung jari je..hahhahha..and auuuuwwww it hurt!
i was called before mon prince charmant, so when i went out from the room, he kept asking, sakit tak?manyak tak dia amik darah?hihihihihi..panik plak my fiançé nih :p
tunggu tak sampai 10 mins, kitorang di panggil balik utk dapatkan result..well it's negative of course, tp it wasnt written negative anywhere on the paper..we just got back the borang yg kitorang isi, dan pengesahan yg mengatakan kitorang dah buat hiv test. and we were told verbally that's negative. errrrr...pelik, but that's the procedure, according to the nurse. harap it's the same for any gov hospital/clinic. nanti tak pepasal2 kang kami tak dapat kawen, sbb tok imam tanak nikahkan kitorang sbb tak tahu status hiv test kitorang. errr mintak simpang!
btw, both of us wanted to do the thalassemia test as well..as it is recommended by our gov
as far as we know, we dont have any thalassemia history in our family, but who knows kan..so buat la jugak....so kne register balik kat kaunter pendaftaran
after a while, we were called utk jumpe doktor secara berasingan.. well, the doctor that i met mcm kelakar sket. dia tanye sakit ape, i said nak buat ujian thalassemia..dia tanye ade ke dlm fam yg ade penyakit thalassemia, i said no, then she asked kenape nak buat test ni. then she gave me a brief lecture about thalassemia , iaitu penyakit genetik sel darah merah yada yada yada. i just said, it's recommended by our gov to do the test before getting married.
then she asked again, if i already did the hiv test, and i said yes and showed the borang. and right there, she stared at my borang for a couple of while, she was a bit blur, i must say. then she asked again, resultnye mane..and i said, itu lah resultnye, nurse ckp negative. dia macam tak percaya and called the nurse. after a couple of nods, she hang up and apologized. dia ckp, zaman dia nak kawen dulu, ado cop negative ke idak, tp apparently skang gov nak rahsiakan result tu, so if sesape dapat balik borang yg diisi with pengesahan mengatakan tuan empunya dah amik test, then it's negative. ok doc!
then she asked me to go to room 13 utk amik darah..and this time, mmg amik darah kat lipatan siku for one tube. and it didnt hurt! :) i showed the tube to my fiançé when he waited for his turn, and dia buat muke panik lagik..hihihihi
send the tube to the lab, waited for the result, once it was done, went back to doctor's room for her comment. well, both of us dunt have thalassemia as well.
at 4 we were done. we stopped at Petronas because my charming fiançé wanted to buy air milo. He said a tube of blood was taken from his body, thus he needed something to replace it back. and he came back with 2 kotak air milo and a couple of chocs. hahaha he's so cute and funny! Love ya.
next direction was LH Creative, Jalan Pudu. will post about it in my next entry.

2 commentaires:
if buat kt s.alam valid for 3mths kan? and if buat kt klantan valid for 1mth? mcm tu eh? am still confused with all the precedures..
yang kat shah alam valid for 6 months..tp bride to be dr kelantan kena buat kat kltn ke? i pon confuse jugakk
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