4. Lune de miel (honeymoon in french)
* hotel: -
*flight tickets: done
* itinerary: halfway there.
* rental car: -
4. Lune de miel
* hotel: halfway done
*flight tickets: done
* itinerary: almost there!
* rental car: -
yupsie..mon prince charmant dah book hotels for our honeymoon!!! big yeayy!!!! (eventho cuti tak apply lagi..hahahahha)..rite now tgh tunggu confirmation emails dari hotel2..
btw, kitorang dah hampir siapkan the itineary..it will be laid-back, relax, enjoy sightseeing type of honeymoon...i cant reveal the destination yet..but what i can say is, he is in charge of everything for our honeymoon..and he does really surprise me..i tot dia akan minta i handle psl honeymoon as well..tp he did it by himself..and the flight tickets, he already bought them months ago =)
je t'aime.
4. Lune de miel (honeymoon in french)
* hotel: -
* itinerary: halfway there.
* rental car: -
4. Lune de miel
* hotel: halfway done
* itinerary: almost there!
* rental car: -
yupsie..mon prince charmant dah book hotels for our honeymoon!!! big yeayy!!!! (eventho cuti tak apply lagi..hahahahha)..rite now tgh tunggu confirmation emails dari hotel2..
btw, kitorang dah hampir siapkan the itineary..it will be laid-back, relax, enjoy sightseeing type of honeymoon...i cant reveal the destination yet..but what i can say is, he is in charge of everything for our honeymoon..and he does really surprise me..i tot dia akan minta i handle psl honeymoon as well..tp he did it by himself..and the flight tickets, he already bought them months ago =)
je t'aime.

10 commentaires:
let me guess..aussie??huhuu
owh god! i am also giving the honeymoon arrangement to my beloved fiancé. he is yet to come back with me about it... guess now i have to trust him...
p/s: love french, french food, the language, the ppl... so u g honeymoon kat France!!!
missbutterfly: huhuhu..sungguh tidak tepat =)
ZARA: nope =) i was in france for 8 years..so, in my case, honeymoon in france is not really a good idea..for a visit, its ok. =)
ok. now im jealous!
hey mademoiselle.
ok hows my french? HAHA. where are u going? please, let me know, im a big fan LOL
marvelous! =)
surely i wont tell, especially to u :p LOL
ala, mana aci giniiiiii!! LOL. just kidding. wherever ur going, prepare your wardrobe okehh!!! (nasihat kepada diri sendiri)
wuwuwu, honeymoon benda yang paling dinanti2kan.. haha, nikah rasa mcm nak lambat2 tapi honeymoon nak cepat, i la tu..
hihi cant wait to know the location.. :)))
huk aloh....NZ? (sibuk jer aku nk tau) hahahaa
Nahwal: sy akan mengikut nasihat cik nahwal =)
huda: hohohoo actually..we all ingat tanak honeymoon..i mean bukan directly after kawin..maybe wait a bit longer n pegi somewhere far far away.skali ade budget ckp buleh..mmg suke, walaupon pegi dekat2 saje =)
missbutterfly: pon salah jugak..hahahaha NZ maybe for our next next honeymoon la kot ;)
but u guys are getting married too!!so where is ur destination? hihi
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