and i am happily to put some =)
but before that, i wanna share some details about my engagement
as i said, we didnt plan to engage as we tot we cud save some money
and at that moment, i was busy with my lil bro engagement
owh yes..his engagement was on the 15.02.10
thus we all termasuk uncles, aunties n cousins bercamping kat kemaman for a while
utk pegi meminang dan jugak for our family day
and time tu, my aunties pon dah bising2 tanye bile pulak my turn kan
they know i'm seeing someone, but they didnt know how serious i was with mon prince charmant
and my common answer was, insya-Allah, bile ade rezeki :D
in the mean time, mon prince charmant was with his family in kb
his mission was to discuss with his parents about us and the wedding
but his parents suggested to follow the adat properly, starting with merisik dan bertunang
and if it was ok with my family, they wud like to come on the Maulud Nabi
and of course la mon prince charmant told his parents that it was too soon as well our intention to not being engaged
when he informed me the output of his discussion
i told my parents about his parents intention to datang meminang
and u know wat my mom said: haa bagus la tu..mama berkenan sgt macam tu
i was like..erkkk..wat shud i do??but then mom, they wanted to come on maulud is like 8 days lagi tau..
and my mom replied: tarikh tu dah elok, hari pon elok, jumaat plak tu, bole la mama buat kenduri untuk maulud nabi, then petang tu majlis meminang
i was surprised by her answer, and said: tp sempat kee mama, nak prepare sume, baju pon org tade, nak carik barang hantaran, cincin sume
my mom dgn yakin jawab: simple jee..insya-Allah sempat
so i just follow her plan..with one week notice, there was nothing much to be prepared
kain utk my attire, serious i took kain sulam padang yg my mom kasi last year
tu pon seb baek ade sbb i peram dlm almari je tak berjahit
the dialog above took placed on Friday
so on the next day..pagi2 bute lagi i kuar ngan mon prince charmant cari barang hantaran n cincin, and hantar kain kat warta bangi
seb baek auntie tu sudi menerima..klu tak seriously tak tau nak tempah kat mane in such a brief delay
but i did have prob with mon prince charmant attire
and our decision asik flip flop, shud he come or shud he not?
as he is a shy2 cat type, of course dia klu boleh tanak datang (helloooooooo..tak best ok)
if datang pon nak pakai kemeja gitu je
but my mom requested him to come in baju melayu..and i didnt know where to find one with the same color as mine
rabu mlm, i took flight to kb..time tu mon prince charmant still tak tahu nak datang ke idak..n baju pon tade jugak
ari khamis, pagi2 dah kluar ngan mama, pegi flowerist beli fresh flowers, then pegi SSF carik bahan utk gubahan hantaran, pegi kedai kwm mama utk tambah bling2 kat my attire and kedai cake utk collect cupcakes utk doorgifts..
bear in mind, cupcakes tu yg kosong blom decor lagi tau..
i didnt have time to lunch as balik je umah pon dah kol 4 lebey
terus attack my hantarans, 7 dulang balas 7
my sis n cousins plak decor 60 cupcakes and put in cute box that i bought earlier in bangi
malam plak..tulun kemas2 ape yg patut
hari jumaat..lagi le bz, because my mom masak semua utk majlis maulud and majlis bertunang
so all hands were required..luckily there were enough =)
around 4pm, the rombongan sampai
i didnt hear the discussion between two families as i was in my room
then i was accompanied by my auntie to meet my future MIL
and there, where i came out from the room, i saw mon prince charmant
handsomely wore baju melayu with the same color as mine..siap bersamping ok
at that moment, he did really cherish my heart =)
now i am officially his fiancée
enjoy the pix yg tak seberapa tu, folks!
my attire: kurung moden kain sulam padang

i didnt have pelamin :D my mom set this up for me..

my hantarans: shirts, trousers, kain baju melayu, cake, kuih muih tradisional kltn, sireh n chocs


fruit cake, baked n decorated by my mom

5 commentaires:
alaa...whats with the black square in the middle of ur photo tu??hehe..btw..ur mom pandai deco the cake.bertuahnye..
owh, it is a short notice, but alhamdulillah, semuanya lancar aja eyh.. tahniah!
betul la, ur mom pandai deco cake tuh. cantek!
missbutterfly: itu silap photog yg tak reti amik gambar :p ::just kidding:: thanks for the compliment =)
cik belle: yup, bersyukur sgt semuanya ok..thanks =)
p/s: if u olz nak try DIY ur wedding cake, bunga decor atas cake tu, u guys boleh beli yg dah siap..manyak jual kat kedai, fondant putih tu pon ade dijual jugak, just gelek2 kasi rata n ketebalan yg u olz nak, n letak atas cake uolz =)
eh??really??dkt kedai kek ader ek fondant dh siap??gud info nih.nnti blik kb nk usha..hehee
yupp ade..time my mom malas nak buat sendirik, dia beli je yg dah siap, gelek2 n tekap atas cake..utk doorfigt cupcakes ari tu pon kitorang buat macam ni..hihihihi
klu kat kb, we olz slalu pegi beli bahan kat bakery sebelah dynasty inn tu..jalan on the way pegi hank you from istana kota lama
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