Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

jeudi 16 décembre 2010

I can see the heart of my baby pumping!

posting ni sepatutnya take place yesterday..
tp i was dem tired and lazy..slept almost the whole day in my office..luckily my boss was absent..haha..and balik rumah pon just sempat tunggu isyak, then krooohhhhhhh
yes..i do realize that sejak saye pregnant ni..ya Allah cepat sgt letihh
just imagine, sapu and mop bilik tidur pon saye rase dah nak pitam (seriously!)

anyway..my check up was on tuesday..and i am 7 weeks now
some may think..wahh so early dah pegi o&G ka?
the thing is, i got this brown spotting..and still having it eventho dah telan Duphaston (pil hormon untuk kukuhkan rahim) night and day.
and saya perasan jugak..if saye stress..or in a hurry..or bergerak dgn pantas ke situ ke sana ke mari..or penat yg melampau..i will have brown stain kt my panties.

so since that..saye berjalan teramat le slow..lembab cam kura2..mengalahkan org yg dah berbulan2 pregnant..hehehe
but i just have to adapt with it..skang ni klu rush pegi opis pon tak boleh..huhuhu

Gynae tu pon risau jugak dgn keadaan saya..as she wrote dlm "buku merah" saye tu "threatened abortion"
kire chances utk miscarriage tu agak besar..huhu serious saye pon risau ok
and i was looking for the last check up, sbb if everything was fine, my baby shud have a heart by now
and alhamdulillah, i can see the heart pumping and beating!
rase nak menangis pon ade, there is one tiny little baby who currently resides in my womb..hope he/she gets comfort
seriously, it is one of the most beuatiful thing i've ever seen in my life

pembesaran baby pon normal, size nya mmg seperti utk baby 7 minggu
but the gynae adviced me to rehat banyak2..jgn buat kije berat..jgn stress..and enjoy this moment..she still prescribes me with Duphaston and our next check up is in 2 weeks

luckily, saye blom ade morning sickness..fuhhhh
kadang2 ade la rase angin nak kuar..but blom muntah2 lagi
i read dlm mag Pa&Ma mase menunggu kat klinik tu,
dia ckp 3/4 of pregnancy women akan ade morning sickness
while the rest is "bed rest" type..which is kne rehat banyak2 sbb kadang2 ade pendarahan
well i think, im in that group.
and that's my main reason asik terbaring tido kat opis setiap kali rase penat gile or bile kuar darah..muahhahaha
yes..i just lay down kat atas lantai dlm cubicle my colleague (agak tersembunyi)
seb baekk final report dah anta..just tunggu tahun ini berlalu aje =)

btw..my lil bro is getting married this weekend
so the whole fam will be off to Kemaman, including me
gynae saye tak nasihatkan saya pergi..tp if saya nak pegi jugak..dia pesan soh relax2 je sepanjang 5 jam perjalanan tu..and mintak hubby berhenti at least twice utk saya rehatkan kaki =)
looking forward for it...rase cam pegi bercuti pulak..hehehhe

sure my FSIL, Scha tgh berdebar2 and tak sabar tunggu hari esok (the akad is tomorrow nite)
teringat plak time2 kenduri kami dulu..kalut ribut takde hengat punyaa..hahahha

2 commentaires:

lynn md noh a dit…

saje2 bloghopping tetibe terjumpe ur blog..
hehe..we got the same name(amalina) and im also at my 7th week pregnancy..
congratz n take care..
bykkan berehat k..

tik a dit…

cik amy.. jaga kesihatan.. jgn buat kerja2 berat sgt.. lg2 1st pregnancy... take care..