Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

lundi 28 février 2011

Second check up KK

my second check-up kat KK Shah Alam went well, we reached there a couple of mins before7.30, obviously KK blom bukak..tp dah ramai gile menunggu..huhu
luckily, ramai yg datang pasal anak, so yg preggy ade dua tiga orang
so i dapat turn yg ke-3..yeay!dalam sejam setengah, sume dah setell..hehhehe
btw, i had the normal routine, and yg paling ditunggu was time nak jumpe nurse
because nak tanye tips utk puasa (yes..ade 10 hari lagi yg blom diganti)
dan nak tanye psl badan yg sentiasa panas, evntho dok dlm bilik air-cond

nurse ckp, normal je badan panas sbb perubahan hormon
cume klu demam dan batuk yg lebey dr 3 hari..dia soh pegi jumpa dr terus
other than that..dia ckp saya sihat walafiat..baby pon insya-allah sehat jugak
dia siap ckp, berat badan saye pon normal (yeayyy) hehhehehehe

pestu dia tanye pasal susu..i said i minum yg sejuk fresh tu..marigold, rendah lemak high kalsium
she said, yg tu kurang elok sket..sbb dah kne modified banyak
takut ade prob ke ape..
dia ckp better minum susu tepung yg dibancuh
she suggested anlene (which i already bought yesterday) sbb mmg high calcium
dia jugka ckp, susu ibu anmum pon elok, cuma susu tu manis sket..so nanti berat badan mudah sgt naik (seb baekk saye tak minum yg ni..huhuhu)

so skang, saya dah tuka ke susu anlene..yg leceh nak bancuh pagi2..dan i dunt like warm milk..huhuhu tp terpakse lah telann
btw, i started taking Obimin again (already took one before, mase check up kat An-nur, Bangi)
dan betape jakunnye saye sbb saye ingat KK takkan kasi obimin punye, dari ape yg saye bace
gov hospital dan klinik selalunye kasi pelbagai jenis vitamin instead of Obimin
so bile nurse tu ckp yg saye dah boleh makan Obimin,
reaksi spontan saye adelah: Ok, nanti saye pegi beli kat kedai farmasi
terpinga akak nurse kjap sblm menjawab: kat sini pon kami kasi Obimin, tak payah beli kat luar
hahahahha malu gile sehh

tp skang, rase nak beli Obimin Plus pulak..sbb org kate lagi elok..hehehe dan jugak pil kalsium..tak tau ngape nurse tak kasi pil kalsium. any opinion?

mercredi 23 février 2011

17weeks et poussieres

yes, i am currently 17weeks ++..which is 4 months and ++ days
wow..time flies really fast, isnt it?
org kata..time ni le roh ditiup ke dalam jasad..wallahualam

anyway..i just did my "mengade" check up kat private hospital, last Saturday
i use word "mengade" because, i already had my monthly appointment at KK, but i made an appointment with a gynae at this hospital in order to book her for my delivery nanti.
well, i did the monthly scan, and alhamdulillah, baby is growing as a 17 weeks baby shud be =)
but i had a so not nice accident..which is the gynae forgot to check my BP
ok..that one, i still can accept
but what disappointed me more was, she wrote on the report that my BP was 100/80!
which is obviously not true as she didnt check it.
my BP is always slightly low..in range 90/60..tetiba pulak naik..haih
we both already decided that this will be the hospital where i am going to deliver
and my colleague and redzuan's auntie recommended her..that's why i feel disappointed :(
btw, tomorrow is my monthly check up at KK..will update to u guys about it soon

on the other hand, my perut membuncit dgn jayanya
but i still wear baju kurung..belum rase nak pegi beli maternity cloths pon lagi
but i think, i have to get new bras sooon..huhuhuhu
my nafsu makan meningkat jugak
today i had 2 plates of nasi goreng! as one plate was not enough to fulfill my appetite hehehhe
and to accompany these 2 plates were a glass of mix orange juice and fresh milk, and one banana..ho ho ho
i am concern about my weight during the pregnancy
kalau boleh nak berat naik in normal weight, indicated in books, which is max 12kg for 9 months of pregnancy
i asked my friends, and most of them naik dekat 20kg! waahhhhhhh scaryyy
tp skang berat pon dah 5 kg naik dari before pregnant ari tu
and babycenter ckp actually, kenaikan berat during pregnancy depends on ur genes as well
hahahhhaa..bace je ayat tu, i said to my self..ok that one, i cant fight..berserah je la..20kg pon 20kg la..as long as my baby is healthy =)

i start to feel sakit2 bhgn pinggul..rase lenguh2 gitu..as if penah jatuh terduduk ke ape
kan rase cam tak selesa kat punggung kan..huhu
tido skang pon mmg kne mengiring je..and selalunye yg paling selesa is tidur mengiring sebelah kiri..
mula2 tak tau kenape, bile bace buku baru faham, actually senang utk baby dpt oksigen supply thru plasenta..hehe
and i start to put baby oil kat my perut as well
belum rase gatal2..but my friends advice me to oily it asap utk avoid stretch mark
not sure if it is really work or not
for now, i just pakai baby oil biase je..ingat nak beli yg betul2 utk stretch mark, tp till now tak beli2 lagi..hehhee

vendredi 11 février 2011

Cuti bersalin

Klu ikut nasihat dari babycenter, bile dah abis first trimester tu
kite dah bleh update kat HR pasal our pregnancy, dan jugak inform pasal cuti bersalin
in my case..agak special sket becoz saya still lagi memegang status contract staff
so according to agreement, mmg takde cuti bersalin la

So i went to HR and tanye diorang macam mane
takkan la saye nak amik cuti tak bergaji..sape nak bayar bil2 nantii
and takkan saye kne datang bekerja terus after bersalin

tanye punya tanye, HR ckp
memandangkan saye dah memegang status contract staff ni bertahun2
diorang maybe bleh consider utk kasi cuti bersalin
wat i needed to do was to write a formal letter to Head of HR, requesting for maternity leave

alhamdulillah, ketua HR dgn senang hati kasi cuti 60 hari =)
nanti bile balik dari pantang, i just isi borang MC then kepilkan sekali surat kebenaran utk cuti bersalin
fuhhh dah lega skettt
ari ni pulak, dapat kad PMCARE baru, where ade huruf "M" kat atas nye (stands for Maternity)
so all my expenses utk maternity are covered by company, as long as tak exceed max amount la..huhuhuhu
contract staff mmg takde kelebihan ni, hanya permanent staff only
so saye menumpang my hubby punye :D

p/s: my sis ckp maternity leaves kat UK is setahun!! saye jeless!!

p/s: worth tak if saye melanggan mag Pa&Ma?

mardi 1 février 2011

Is an ultrasound safe?

This question was posted by Puan Purple Lady Aifa in my previous entry.
btw..congrats mom-to-be Aifa!! =)

I didnt bother to think if it safe or not to do ultrasound every month, as, as far as i know,
kat private clinic mmg akan scan ur baby for every check up.. which occurs every months for first n second trimester..and every two weeks bile dah masuk 7 bulan..

so for me..safe la kott (jawapan dari seorang engineer yg tidak expert lansung dlm pregnancy..hhahha)

anyhow, i did some readings since yesterday..and there are "yes" and "no" articles.
for example:

the best quote that i cud find is from my favorite site (recommended by my sis, Tik) : babycenter

Ultrasounds have been used in pregnancy for more than 40 years
and medical research has found no side effects. No association has been shown between ultrasound exposure and the baby's birthweight, childhood leukaemias or other cancers, eyesight, hearing or dyslexia. Even so, most experts agree that the procedure shouldn't be done without clear medical reasons, and that all ultrasound exposure should be justified and limited to the minimum needed to make a diagnosis.

voila voila.. so jgn mengade nak pegi scan every week..tu dah terlebey excited ok!
if you are at high risk, and dr nak buat ultrasound..jgn pulak mengade nak tolak sbb ultrasound may help to save ur baby as well even kat dlm komen drbenkim tu pon ade ckp.

pepehal..ur gynae knows best, what is safe for u and ur baby
if dia nak scan..then let it
if not..tak payah nak mintak..unless u have strong feeling that u baby has prob..better request =)

as for me..i akan stick to my decision
buat check up kat KK, and scan kat private sbb kat KK takde scan.
same seperti doing check up kat private ..cuma i got better and free consultation =)

btw..these are the common uses of ultrasound (from babycenter)

Depending on which stage of pregnancy they are done at, ultrasound scans can:
  • Check your baby has a heartbeat (normally on 7 weeks of pregnancy)

  • Say whether you are pregnant with one baby or more

  • Detect an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo implants outside of the womb, usually in the Fallopian tube.

  • Find out the cause of any bleeding you may be having

  • Accurately date your pregnancy by measuring your baby (however, nurse kat KK tu ckp, it is not really accurate because ralat adalah 2 minggu..besar tuh..the accurate way is by using ur first day of last period date..so gurls..jot down the date ok..jangan lupe!)

  • Assess the risk of Down's syndrome by measuring fluid at the back of your baby's neck at 11-14 weeks (a scan know as nuchal translucency scan).

  • Find out why a blood screening test was abnormal

  • Assist in performing diagnostic tests, such as CVS or amniocentesis safely by showing the position of the baby and placenta.
  • Examine your baby to see if all the organs have developed normally
  • Assess the amount of amniotic fluid and locate the placenta.

  • Measure your baby's rate of growth over several scans. (reason utama sy utk buat scan..nak make sure baby membesar =) )

those on italic are my own comments.