wow..time flies really fast, isnt it?
org kata..time ni le roh ditiup ke dalam jasad..wallahualam
anyway..i just did my "mengade" check up kat private hospital, last Saturday
i use word "mengade" because, i already had my monthly appointment at KK, but i made an appointment with a gynae at this hospital in order to book her for my delivery nanti.
well, i did the monthly scan, and alhamdulillah, baby is growing as a 17 weeks baby shud be =)
but i had a so not nice accident..which is the gynae forgot to check my BP
ok..that one, i still can accept
but what disappointed me more was, she wrote on the report that my BP was 100/80!
which is obviously not true as she didnt check it.
my BP is always slightly range 90/60..tetiba pulak naik..haih
we both already decided that this will be the hospital where i am going to deliver
and my colleague and redzuan's auntie recommended her..that's why i feel disappointed :(
btw, tomorrow is my monthly check up at KK..will update to u guys about it soon
on the other hand, my perut membuncit dgn jayanya
but i still wear baju kurung..belum rase nak pegi beli maternity cloths pon lagi
but i think, i have to get new bras sooon..huhuhuhu
my nafsu makan meningkat jugak
today i had 2 plates of nasi goreng! as one plate was not enough to fulfill my appetite hehehhe
and to accompany these 2 plates were a glass of mix orange juice and fresh milk, and one banana..ho ho ho
i am concern about my weight during the pregnancy
kalau boleh nak berat naik in normal weight, indicated in books, which is max 12kg for 9 months of pregnancy
i asked my friends, and most of them naik dekat 20kg! waahhhhhhh scaryyy
tp skang berat pon dah 5 kg naik dari before pregnant ari tu
and babycenter ckp actually, kenaikan berat during pregnancy depends on ur genes as well
hahahhhaa..bace je ayat tu, i said to my self..ok that one, i cant fight..berserah je la..20kg pon 20kg long as my baby is healthy =)
i start to feel sakit2 bhgn pinggul..rase lenguh2 if penah jatuh terduduk ke ape
kan rase cam tak selesa kat punggung kan..huhu
tido skang pon mmg kne mengiring je..and selalunye yg paling selesa is tidur mengiring sebelah kiri..
mula2 tak tau kenape, bile bace buku baru faham, actually senang utk baby dpt oksigen supply thru plasenta..hehe
and i start to put baby oil kat my perut as well
belum rase gatal2..but my friends advice me to oily it asap utk avoid stretch mark
not sure if it is really work or not
for now, i just pakai baby oil biase je..ingat nak beli yg betul2 utk stretch mark, tp till now tak beli2 lagi..hehhee

4 commentaires:
wah tipunyea Dr kat hospital swasta tuh... ada main letok2 jah.. aparahhh.. nok check BP pung malas.. huhuh padahal BP la hok penting sekali..
kawe maso pregnant naik 20kg jgk.. huhuhu masa 1st pregnancy tuh turun berat asal.. tapi sementa jah..sebab kawe pregnant balik and.. terus berat tak turun2..heheehhehe
huhu tuh lahh..kalu dia terlupa, buleh la paham siap tipu BP..geram raso
hehhe ore pon mace ado gayo naik banyok jahh ni..lapa semace..huhu
hi dear..bru singgh ur blog..samela kte kan,da 5 bulan..part tdo mengiring sebelah kiri tu mmg btul,yun pn tendency nk tdo ke kiri lg tinggi dr ke kanan..take care ya mommy to be..salam perkenalan!
salam perkenalan, and take care dear =)
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