But I will be running out of stock in a month or two. Sedey?
Err..I am not sure, I think i will still breastfeed him till he is 2
Just kena top up here an there la kot
Ok before that....
About previous entry..well it was difficult for me to come up and write the entry at the first place
So can we hold it for a while?
Insya-Allah, bila ade kekuatan untuk berkongsi, saya akan kongsi
terutama pengalaman di CDC, HUKM
No no no...jgn risau, Hakim is doing fine..he is doing good
masih tiada diagnosis yang concrete mengenai kenapa dia lambat berjalan dan bercakap
both me and husband refused to do MRI and blood + DNA test for the moment
we are still positive, and we think that he just need to be stimulated a lil bit more
lagipon in my family and my husband family, ada yang mula bercakap ketika berusia 3 tahun
dan they are doing fine..well not just fine, but really brilliant
so to Dina and Etty, thank you so much for those encouragement words
I am so touched =)
In the mean time, we just keep going to CDC, meeting all the therapist (speech, fisio and motor skill)
dan jugak we enrolled Hakim to a playgroup.
I think all of you have heard about Genius Baby On Board right?
Teacher Watie memang baek sgt!
Nanti saya share jugak pasal Playgroup ni.
...ok sudah pasal entry lepas :D
Pasal susu formula pula..
Based on my finding..susu kambing is the second best milk after breastmilk
Which left me one option: KARIHOME
but harganya..erkk jugak la
tp..cam teringin jugak nak try..huhu
dah request for a sample..but sampai lani tak sampai2..hish
susu formula lain pulak..ade jugak saye survey2
yang berjaye masuk list adalah:
- s26 (biasa or gold)
- enfagrow
- mamil dumex
- anmum
ingat nanti lunch hour, nak request sample utk each brand
how about u guys?susu mane yg u guys kasi kat anak?

4 commentaires:
my colleague pon pakai karihome. happy trying!
hehe..name i disebut..ur welcome dear..keep strong heart! insyaallah hakim will just fine..hm btw..etty pon bru jer berkecimpung dgn susu fm hehe..1st beli enfalac..ameer refuse to drink walaupun 1 sip..hm then beli Nubian goat fresh milk..minum gak sikit2..but pastu kt nursery xmau..then atas saranan akk2 kt opis ni beli yg murah2 je..etty try Lactogen..terpaling murah kot..eh2 minum plak..hehe..walaupun 1or2 botol je kt nursery shj..kt umah still bf..but dgn keadaan skg ni..penat sungguh bf while preggy..betul2 challenging..gudluck dear..i dh byk req sample sampai sudah seketul pun xsampai lg hahaha
My son is currently drinking Karihome how, dulu duk minum Anmum Essential (start FM when he turns 1yo, coz my milk production running low, but now i still BF him at night).
Anyway, the verdict is my son hates Karihome, dont know why.. i tasted it, ok je kat tekak i, takde rs 'kambing' pon.. Dulu Anmum essential pon takdela suka sgt, but at least he'll drink 2 bottles during the day, now with Karihome sebotol je dia minum sehari.
So i guess it depends on your baby kot, kena try and error. But i heard that PediaSure milk is the best among all.. tp cm mahal la pulak kan? And my son's Paed said PediaSure is especially good if the baby/toddler is having weight issues..
As for Hakim.. hmm, my personal opinion is u must stay positive. Coz not all babies are the same, some may progress faster than others, ikut pace masing-masing. My colleague ade cerita that her friend's daughter start to talk at 4 years of age.
And in my case, my son baru je start cakap a few words (even xleh sebut mommy, asek sebut daddy je), and he's about Hakim's age.
And dulu masa dia belum berjalan padahal ramai babies lain his age dh jalan dh, i even consulted his Paed. And he said takyah risau, if by 2 years old still x jalan, then baru risau and by then we must do something... and the fact that Hakim dh boleh jalan now, is a VERY good achievement already..
So u just stay positive k? Keep on stimulating him.. And dh bawak dia join playgroup tu is an awesome step.. I'm sure he'll sure enormous progress after this, insyaAllah.. Wish u all the best! :)
p/s: sori komen panjang sgt. blog sdiri malas nk update, pastu now bebel kt blog org plak. hehe.
thanks ladies for the input =) dah try karihome..so far alhamdulillah =)
Sya sakura: thanks for the support! =)
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