Selamat Tahun Baru..semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya
a lil bit late to wish you guys rite..but its bettter late than never =)
well..penghujung akhir tahun 2012 adalah sangat tidak produktif buat kami
kerana both me and hubby mc selama dua minggu kerana sakit mata
bermula dengan Hakim..pestu jangkit kat saye..then husband..
so we were on MC till 2.01.2013
mula2 MC mmg sronot..dapat stay umah..jaga anak
but bile mate bengkak asik berair je..sungguh tak selesa
seb baek Hakim kne kejap je..mild conjunctivitis
5 hari dah sembuh..dan seriously..he behaved well..despite sakit mata
dia still aktif..tak merengek
mak nye yg over sampai stress gile sbb tak bleh kuar rumah..tak bleh masak..tak bleh tgk screen lama2
dunt you ever wish to get conjunctivits any more!
skang mata dah ok..cume still blurr..tak bleh nak focus
bile jumpe doc..dia ckp normal..and soh continue lagi dgn streoid eye-drop
saya plak dah 50-50 nak pakai ke idak
sbb anything yang streoid..sepatutnye tak bleh pakai lama2..kan?
perkembangan Hakim:
I am a bit worried with his development..sbb it seems a bit delayed
ya Allah..sesungguhnya saya buntu..adakah saya terlebih concerned? or in a denial?
he doesnt talk..he didnt walked..he doesnt know how to use spoon..he doesnt know how to munch..
we met several paeds to share our worries
and opinion varies
some said he has autism
some said he has general developement delay and asked us to register him as oku (i was offended!)
and this one nice paed said that the fact that he can walk out rule everything..he is just taking his time..and the speech will come
and this paed also said that the best speech "guru" for him is his he suggested that we try to send Hakim to a good day care. so that he can mix around, has friends, build his confidence and his vocabs.
it is not an easy task for think what is the best for Hakim..
owh ye..Hakim started walking early december..when he was 16 months
tak terkata gembiranya hati kami berdua..and proud as well..
yes we are always proud of him
sekarang ni he knows how to express his feeling..
especially bila dia marah..
he knows how to throw tantrum..
sudah pandai meniarap di lantai dan menangis tercebik2 bila tidak di layan..
and we bought him his abc laptop
he loves listening to it..cuma untuk menekan every single letters
haruslah dia cari dan tarik jari umi nya soh tekan
dia sendiri tanak tekan..haihhh anak
hari tu masuk camp latihan commando kejap
so saya ajar dia cara nak turun dari sofa (sbb dia dah pandai panjat sofa tp tak reti turun..huhu)
lagipon paed said he has to build his muscle by doing exercise
so after 10 kali naik turun sofa..he got it
dah reti turun sendiri..well done my boy!
dan tak brenti pulak dia main panjat turun sofa..huhu
i miss you, Hakim.

2 commentaires:
babe..hope u stay nephew also a bit delayed on speech..till now dah 2y+..masa my bro, SIL & him dok UK 1y dorg kurg mkn ikan..ikan give high DHA for kids development..after balik sini last year oct baru dorg perasan my nephew ni delay of speech..dia kurg berinteraksi, & xbg feedback bila kita panggil or bercakap dgn dia..consult paed few med experience yup awal2 diagnose katenya ade mild dorg bawa berubat merata, perubatan islam, perubatan alternatif..nnt etty carikan link ade blog perubatan alternatif tu..alhamdulillah now positive feedback..usaha dan doa xputus2 dr kami sekeluarga utk dia..& for u semoga terus tabah..bdk2 ni mmg kadang2 dia cm delay now but in future positive..einstein juga sorg autism..i've read a lot bout this..its good to be positive for hakim..stay strong Doa for u & hakim..insyaallah
cik amy.. do not worry to much about Hakim. I am very sure he is fine. He just taking his own sweet times. Remember Afif? He took some times to walk, talk even mix around with other children. At that time i do worried about Afif. Pls do not compare Hakim with other children.I think what Hakim really needs is encouragement. You can buy him a puzzles (start with two pisces)or building blocks. If anything, pls call. :) Always there for you sis.
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