dah lame rasenye tak jenguk blog ni..my last entry was one week before hari raya
time tu pon dah bz packing utk balik kampung dan jugak utk my big day
and once dah sampai rumah
i didnt have time to blog, to check emails or even to reply every sms
alhamdulillah, the akad went well, as well the kenduri for both sides
of course there were hiccups here and there
but i just remembered what Huda and Nahwal told me
smile smile and smile during ur big day
and all the hiccups wud just fade away.
i am deeply thankful to my parents, my siblings, my uncles, my aunties, my cousins and relatives for helping me in the preparation and for making my day so wonderful.
i wud like to express my gratitude as well to my photog, Jukie for those lovely pictures (tak edit pon dah chantek), and for his time spent with us, starting from the akad till end of majlis bertandang (poor him tak dapat raye sakan because of us..huhu).
my gratitude also goes to NTouch, for the pelamin and mekap (akad and sanding) and Nuha & Mea utk mekap utk bertandang(thanks jaja sbb introduce diorang..mekap dia mmg chantek..even org ckp lagi chantek dr kak long :D )
btw, i will try to put some review about all these (bile saye ade kelapangan ye :D)
about DIY, alhamdulillah sume dapat dibuat dgn jayanya. But as i just only have 2 hands, i had to give some tasks to someone else.
Kaklong, thank you for the pomander ball, which are sgt chantek terletak kat meja beradap =)
Kak Tik, thank you and thank you for those lovely gubahan hantaran!You did really make my dream came true =)
Cikja n Cik Nurul, terima kasih sbb sudi jadi bidan terjun utk hias wedding cake..hehehehhe
now i am a happy married wife. extraordinary happy.
ps. i will be away for a while for our second lune de miel =)

9 commentaires:
congrats amalina!!
nnt letak gambar byk2 plis... =)
congratulations amalina!!
happy for you..
after baca all the preparation..sangat lega n gembira everything went well..
glad u berpuas hati!! nanti upload la picture tau
wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu love u!! congrats, i hmpir nk sms, tp takmo kacau but congrats again!!
congratssss amalina!!! welcome to the club. hehe.
picssssss please!
yay!!! no problem dear..tp mane gmbr?? btw..present hari tu aku lupe nk taruk nama.hehee..my bad..
mrs, congrats!!
congrats on ur wedding.. :)
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