i am thrilled..i am excited..i am happy..i am smilling
owhh yeahh bebehh
ok first thing first.
i arrived at my office very early in the morning ..which is 7.30 am
muhahahaha..my colleagues were surprised to see me that early
as normally i sampai around 9 gitu..hahaha
and tak sampai 10 mins, my colleague dtg kat meja, kasi a plastic of henna leaves =D
dia siap tunjuk gambar dia kwen..mmg merah gilee wehh...i likee!!!!
i mmg jarang sgt pkai inai mase kecik2 dulu
so bile dah besar panjang ni baru nak pakai for the sake of my wedding
of course teruja wehh..cant wait to see my hands with henna! =)
but sy just nak pkai inai kat jari je..no ukiran or anything
sbb sy mm tak suke ukiran di tangan, rase tak sesuai ngan tgn saye
n bile ukiran inai tu pudar, sungguh tak chantekk tgn tu nanti
so a big no to ukiran inai..n my mom agrees with me..phewwww
then another colleague came, giving me the napkin table yg i mintak dia jahitkan =D
i was looking for napkin, but i cudnt find any that fit with my theme color or my budget
and suddenly, out of no where, i asked my colleague if she cud jahitkan 15 napkins for me
and she said yes! thanks babe!
so total damage for 15 napkins is RM15 + sebalang biskut crispy chips yg sedap =)
in the afternoon, with my fiancé, we went to Nilai 3 for the last time before being husband n wife =)
actually we planned to go there right after office hour like we usually did, but he suddenly got planned with his friends and i suddenly received orders for blueberry cheesecake, to be delivered tomorrow.
so wat did we buy?ribbons of course, for my wedding cakes, my bunga pahar and corsages. 3 boxes of bunga pahar, and 2 stands for bunga pahar.
back to the office, i received call from bridal boutique, saying that they already wanted to go to my house to set up the pelamin. terkejut kejap..awal gile tauu..but i likeeee it too!! at least takde cuak or panik or risau if dia pasang last mins rite? so i gave them my papa's and home number as i will only be back on Saturday..cant waitt to go homee!!
then i emailed jaja about her veil, i love her veil very much, but i am just not sure if it can suit my nikah dress.watever, nak try jugak kot2 match la kan..bergaye sy dgn veil jaja nanti..hahahahha (cross all my fingers n toes for it..as well hoping that kb wont be too packed on thursday)
pestu i placed order for swimming suit muslimah at http://islamicbajurenang.blogspot.com/ (moose jgn gelak kat aku ok..haha)..that means, snorkelling is on bebehhhh!
last but not least, my sis and my bil, along with their lovely kids are going to take flight tonite at 8 (uk time), and will only arrive here tomorrow at 10pm (m'sia time) yeayyy!! x sabar nyeee nk jumpeeee =)

6 commentaires:
waa hepinye k.amy..bgus2 utk ksihatan seorg bride to be hehe xsabo nk tgk k.amy pkai bju renang..nnt upload la pic ;p
aku pun harap kb xjem nnti. eh..ko beli swim suit yg pokadot tu ker?ngeehehhee..btw f66 tu mcm nice juge.
waahh semy..siap bli baju renang lg..
aku aritu..terjun dgn track bottom, tshirt n tudung je..hihihihihi..
nway..cam menarik je baju2 nih..nnt lps dh abes jdk mak buyung leh usha2 lg..hehehehe
haha. ok fine aku tak gelak.
baju renang muslimah plain adalah cantik cuma jangan beli yang floral ok? dah cam baju kurung plak aku tengok. haha.
sha: hahahha..sah2 pic tu kak amy takkan tunjuk sini ;)
jaja: tak...aku beli yg lain :D
fara: have to..huhuhuhu
moose: hahaha too late, i did the opposite of ape yg u suggested :D
amalina...getting married?? dah lama tak tau updateee u nii..
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