Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

jeudi 25 novembre 2010

Cloth Diapers in da house!!

Have you ever heard of diapers for baby?of course you did!
Slalunye loghat kita sebut "pampers" which is one of the famous brand for baby diapers.
But have you heard about cloth diapers?
well well well..it is a cloth with diaper la!..hahha just kidding

ok..cloth diapers (CD) ni is a reusable and washable diapers
very comfy for babies..not to forget..very trendy ok!
and for those super moms who practice natural parenting and want to go green, then CD is the best solution.

do you know how long it would take to digrade the disposable diapers?
well, environmental experts say that it can take up to 500 years..and times it with the number of diapers used everyday..whooaaa

moreover, CD can help you to reduce your expenses.
in a long run, disposable diaper is much much more expensive than CD!

for that reason, Love BabyKoala decides to sell CD as well
and we chose Autumnz. This brand has good reputation among Malaysians.

Autumnz CD is very trendy and has colourful designs.
It is easy to use, easy to handle.
With snap button/ velcro closure, you can adjust to the size that you like, from S to L.
It comes with 2 Soft inner microfleece lining( to keep baby dry and rash free) inserts
And it is easy to clean and quick drying

Practice Natural Parenting & Go Green with CDs!

Hurry up. Visit our facebook today!

5 commentaires:

PurPLe LaDy AiFA a dit…

uiks! pinky itu comey~ tunggu ade baby nnti la.. ;)

Amalina a dit…

kann..i love it too..klu anak perempuan..harus rembat satu =D

Sha a dit…

cpt2 rs nk branok ;p

Unknown a dit…

aku bli 2 autumnz CD last wiken kat expo midvalley..n 2 lunatot's..
tp rs cam tak cukup lg..tp duit dh takde nak bli..hahaha..
make sure nxt time kalau aku nk bli ngan ko..bg diskaun kaw2 ehhh..hihihihi

Amalina a dit…

no prob fara..ckp je kat aku ek =)