jeudi 27 octobre 2011
selepas kelahiran...
Menjadi seorang ibu bukannye senang..especially kepada anak sulung..there were a lot of questions that hanged around in my head..selalunye soalan yg bermula: “betul ke aku buat ni..sesuai tak ngan aku silap..” pestu mule le nak bergenang air mata risau dan kesian kan kat baby sbb dapat emak yg tak reti buat I was not that easy..kite mmg sentiasa nak yg terbaik utk anak kite kadang2 datang perasan “tak yakin” dlm diri tu..yg buat saye down sgt2..astaghfirullahal-azim..
“Berpantang” made the situation became worst..owh tak bleh nak ckp camne sy tak suke bab2 pantang ni..buat tu tak boleh buat ni tak boleh, makan tu tak boleh, makan ni tak killed my mood yg mmg tgh takde mood..hehehhe..pestu paling saye tak suke, bile orang sibukkan2 dok pikir pasal mende lain, while the only thing that can catch my attention is my lil prince!...24jam fikiran saye hanya pasal when people bothered me with other stuffs (which could be settled after saye abis berpantang) annoyed me A LOT! So saye banyak berendam air mata di minggu2 pertama kelahiran hakim..owh my..paling saya keciwa bila I could only feel the joy on the first day of his people..pls pls pls..if u would like to visit a new mommy..tak payah ckp or dok bercerita pasal hal dunia..only baby talk ok! Let the new mommy celebrate her newborn for a while, let her get used to her new “job”, then baru sesakkan kepala dia dgn perkara2 lain.
Dan saya jugak sangat rimas dengan pesanan2 dan tunjuk ajar yg bg saya kurang masuk “ni kenape tak (feel in the blank) baby?karang nanti hakim (feel in the blank)” seriously, ayat camni buat saye rase seperti saya ni ibu yang tidak bagus, tidak tahu menjaga anak down lagi..heehhhe
Mase dlm pantang, saye takde makan jamu or air akar kayu or pilis ke param ke ape..due to personal matters mentioned above, saye takde mase or malas nak amik kesah pasal kesihatan diri sendiri..nak pakai bengkung pon malas..sekadar letak minyak panas sahaja di perut..lagipon dua minggu pertama tu, saye cepat rase panas, lebey teruk dari mase mengandung ari tu..tido pon berpeluh2..sedangkan pasang aircond..opppsss..hahahha
Seb baek badan tak masuk only strength mase tu were support fr husband..dan jugak Hakim..
Didn’t I tell u yg saye beli set bersalin NR?hanye beberape item je yg saye betul2 minyak herbanika, uncang cuci dan lulur..yg laen..harem tak sentuh..terkilan jugak tak makan pil phytonatal..but my hakim got jaundice pada hari yg ke 11…kesian tgk dia senyap je..tak aktif saye tangguhkan makan pil tu..pestu tangguh lagi sbb takut susu merundum..sampai hari ke sampai ke sudah saye tak makan..huhuhu
Sebab saye tak suke pantang, so I just made it short..30 hari cukup! Haha..lagipon mase mengandung ari tu, mmg saye ingat berpantang adalah 30 hari ke 31, which was hari saya makan ape yg saye nak makan..hati senang =D
But I do still pantang ais dan air sejuk…yg ni sy tak kesah sgt..mmg sy suke minum air kosong..not ais kosong..hehehe
Hakim mase dlm pantang was well-behaved..takde nak melalak sakan..senang nak jaga dia..Cuma dia suka sgt berjaga malam..malam2 adelah waktu dia nak main..sampai ke sahur..huhu..slalu kejut tok n tokwannye bangun sahur..hehehe..seb baek dua tiga hari before raye, dia dah kurang sket berjaga..klu tidak..harus dua beranak ni tido sampai ke tgh hari di hari raya..hahaha
Hakim jugak kuat minum..bile dah fully breastfeed, his demand was almost every hour, siang dan malam..sebab tu saye tak sempat nak pump mase dlm pantang (lagipon malas..hahahha)..i treasure every single second spent with him..suke sgt mimik muka yg dia slalu buat mase awal2 dulu..skang dia dah tak buat dah muke cemtu..rindu pulak..huhu..teringat pulak mase mula2 saye mandikan dia..he was 6 days old..ouuchhh..seb baek hakim suke mandi..jarang dia melalak..slalunye senyap..kadang2 senyum bile masuk dlm bathtub..huhu.
Hakim is a tough boy..setiap kali kne cucuk (utk check jaundice or bile injection)..dia menangis kejap je..takde meraung sakan..uminye je risau and kesian lebey2 tgk babynye kne cucuk..hihihihi
Ok tu jeh update.. ::grin::
vendredi 21 octobre 2011
pengalaman bengkak susu
When you compare the breast to a bathtub, it’s important to understand that each breast has multiple lobes, so there are actually multiple individual “bathtubs” within each breast. Different lobes can be in different stages according to their degree of fullness, which is why we can never really say that the breast is completely empty.
mercredi 19 octobre 2011
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in breastfeeding..cerita di sini hanyalah based on my experience or based on kawan2 punye experience..hehehe..and I don’t care if u are 100%pro-BM or 50%pro-BM or 100%pro-FM..all decisions taken regarding this matter are for Hakim’s interest..kindly do not judge or be rude if they are not aligned with what u believe.
Susu saye tak kuar pada hari pertama kelahiran Hakim..dan jugak untuk hari2 berikutnye..mase kat hospital, doktor dok picit2 breast saye..but to no avail..mmg setitik pon tarak..apetah lagi I got no choice, kasi formula milk..but doktor pesan soh Hakim breastfeed dulu (eventho takde susu) for about 15mins at each breast utk stimulate penghasilan susu, baru kasi FM..
Hari ke-6, makcik yg jaga saye dlm pantang tu picit2 and urut2 lagi, baru le nampak susu..setitik and just ade satu liang je..huhuhu..hati saye gembira bukan kepalang eventho susu masih least usaha untuk stimulate penghasilan susu berhasil..
Hari ke-12 was the last day umi Hakim top up dgn susu FM..bile nampak Hakim dah kenyang dgn minum susu badan, saye terus stop walaupon baru je beli satu tin susu bersaiz sederhana besar..sampai lani tak sentuh2 n masih berbaki dlm Tupperware..huhuhu..
Bile susu dah banyak, saye mule rase let-down..which is a bit painful..macam air terjun mencurah2 dari bahu..huhu..and hakim pulak tersedak2 setiap kali let-down..kesian sgt dia…dan saye pulak panic takut susu masuk dlm paru2..dah le time dia minum susu mesti ade lendir dlm tekak dia gitu..i was so worried about it..pestu pegi pulak bace pasal bayi mati tersedak susu..lagi le saye risau..but dr said, it is normal,,lendir tu adalah sisa baki air ketuban,,dan akan hilang nanti..
So alhamdulillah, saye dah dapat fully breastfeed my lil Hakim..rezeki susu Hakim mmg mencurah2 since then..saye start pump susu and buat stock ketika dua minggu sebelum bekerja..i bought spectra 3 breastpump..and it works wonderfully. Saya tried to have 4 pump sessions everyday..which are 6am, 10pm, 1pm and 4pm..dan selalunye saya akan pump selepas Hakim selesai kadang2 termiss one session..hehehe..time weekend lagi le..asik keluar berjalan je..mmg tak sempat nak pump…bile dah masuk kerja, saye keep the same schedule..4 sessions each day..alhamdulillah.. cukup untuk Hakim minum the next day dan jugak untuk buat stock..last week, walid Hakim dah belikan upright freezer..legaaa..dah tak payah pening2 camne nak simpan susu..huhuhu
I don’t take any supplement yet..tapi ade beli dah botol pil fenugreek, in case susu tetibe merundum..saye ingat nak beli Shaklee bukan untuk increase milk, tp utk kasi tenaga dan kasi badan sihat..mmg saye kepenatan sejak menjadi ibu any testimonials from Shaklee users?or perhaps, any recommended supplement utk boost our energy?
Btw..saye ade 2 bulan selalunye minum berape oz ek? My Hakim currently consumes only 9oz je bile dia dok ngan pengasuh..i packed 3oz in each roughly..dia minum 3 kali je sehari?awat dgn saye cam nak nenen slalu jehh..haihh risauuu btoll..risau takut dia tak cukup minum..risau takut pengasuh pepandai top up FM sesuka hati tanpa pengetahuan saya…
p/s: i had no clue on how our breasts work to produce milk..had a lot of questions about it..dan slalunye saye tanya my colleague, Farha..heheh ..mase dlm pantang tu, sket2 tepon/msg/chat dia, heheh..thanks a lot babe..sorry le klu ganggu hang buat kije ekk..hehhe..btw, this morning, I found this article..and it explains in details about milk production, dan soalan2 saye terjawab bile bace article ni..worth a read..have fun reading!