Just finish my English exam..insya-Allah semuanya ok. Tak
sabar nak tunggu result, which is akan keluar on the 25th may. Hopefully
semuanya akan berjalan lancer..On the other hand..sgt lega..huhuhu dah lame wei
tak amik exam..of course berdebar2 gile ok. But now dah selesai, ceria plak
rase =)
Btw, ade org tnaye saye pasal pneumococcal..kenape Hakim
amik..err..Hakim amik sbb tempat yg kami akan pergi insya-Allah next year mmg
mewajibkan semua baby amik buleh?huhu which is true..Hakim’s paed cakap
cenggitu..but my main reason is..after saye bace pamphlet pasal pneumococcal
dan kenapa vaksin ini perlu..en suami dan saya decide untuk amik. Before ni
saya ingat pneumococcal untuk prevent batuk dan selsema..which is not true. It
prevents more severe illness than batuk dan selsema like meningitis, ear
infection, blood infection etc.
Then I remembered one of my classmate’s newborn, who was in
the UK
at that time, died because of meningitis. Dan mase saye dok bace pamphlet tu
jugak, kes rotavirus sedang berlaku di perak. So agak risau jugak la..sbb Hakim
tak amik rotavirus jugak. Bile jumpa paed, she said, it was too late to take
injection for rotavirus..sbb Hakim dah 6
bulan lebey dah mase tu. However, according to her, if orang yang berada di
persekitaran Hakim menjaga kebersihan dgn baik, sepatutnye takde masalah, dan
insya-Allah, dijauhkan dari rotavirus ni. But as pneumococcal, it is advisable
la to take it, even though expensive la jugak..huhuhu..demi anak orang kata. Huhuhu
So Hakim had his first penumococcal injection when he was 8
month old. Memandangkan dia amik agak lambat..so kena tiga kali je. The second
one would be next month, when he is 10 month, pestu the last one is next year,
ketika umur dia 18 months.
Last but not least..yesterday was mother’s day rite..like
always, I called my mom to wish her happy mother’s day..then me, en suami n
hakim went to Alamanda for a walk..then I just realized that this is my first
mother’s day.. I AM A MOM now!! Wuhuuu..feel a bit excited about it..especially
when there is a red rose for me..hihi
Time flies very fast kan ..anak
dah 9 bulan..setiap kali tgk hakim..still teringat dia ketika dia masih dlm
perut..masih ingat his first kick..his hiccups..the labour..owh my..i miss my
pregnancy..seb baek ade buat entry mase preggy dulu..bleh le balik2 bace..hihi

4 commentaires:
A'a kalu gi Uk kena ambik penumococcal. Tapi kalu tok sempat habis.. buat sano takpo.. Just gi jea clinic mano2 sano.. appoiment dgn mid wife.. and diorg akan check balik gapo hok tok cukup.. so diorg akan bg and free. And Happy mother's day to you too dear sis. :)
hey hey..nkgi UK further study kah? syok nye! anyway, happy mother's day! =)
dear happy mother's day...ameer pon dh schedule amek pneumococcal jab next week..bertangguh2 nak amek..dh byk kali sgt xsihat since dok nursery bikin me & hub risau gile..
tik: tuh la..paed tu pon kato..buleh sambung sano mano hok tok abih lagi
jaja: insya-Allah jika ade rezeki..huhu
etty: good..good..my paed pon ckp..klu anta ank nursery..better amik pneumococcal
btw ladies, happy mother's day to u ols!
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