Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

mercredi 27 octobre 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

i have been waiting to watch this movie since i heard this final book is parted into 2. mesti banyak scene dari buku dia amik kan! seriously, i am thrilled to watch it!

the release date is on the 18th November (hari kenduri Jaja..hihi saje nak highlight, kasi dia cuat sat :p)..and of course i will be at home in kelantan to celebrate the hari raya (as well the wedding).

as the date is approaching (dgr tuu jaja ;) ), im happily open up my boxes that contains all my stuff from France, looking for the last book of Harry Potter. Well people must say that im childish, reading books for children, but i must admit, i like this story very much. and my fav is the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where all the secrets are revealed, it is full with actions and emotions.

my first book of Harry Potter is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I bought it after watching the first movie, and it was in french. I continued buying the first and then the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban, still in french, until the forth book came out, and I started collecting the series in two languages, french and english. when I came back to Malaysia for my summer break, i bought the malay version for my sis. hehhee
tell me crazy, but i can reread those book again and again.

which is what i am currently doing, patiently reread the final book, while waiting the movie to come out. unfortunately, i cudnt find the english version, perhaps i left it at my sis', so i just read the french version, Harry Potter et Les Reliques de la Mort. sometimes, i got to polish my french, dont u think? :)

as for dvds, i bought all of them, but left them at my sis' during my long vacation there. and i am in need to rewatch (started from first movie) but i am not sure where can i borrow the dvd. or perhaps sy just pegi je beli semua balik..muhahhaha

7 commentaires:

ReYNa a dit…

wahh1i cant wait this movie too!teruja nk tgk!hihi

Amalina a dit…

same lahh!! sgt tak sabarr =D

missbutterfly a dit…

haip!!! ape nihh!! menci aku. tp aku suka cita lord of the rings..esp legolas. kakakakka

Amalina a dit…

lotr..aa aku suke movienye..tp klu bace buku dia..ya Allah..satu page je terus give up..hahahha

tik a dit…

huhuhu buku tuh ada sini.. and sebab dah nok balik.. kawe just bought 4 harry potter's books.. for £10 only... koleksi utk afif dgn aqil... kena kumpul buku jgk pasni..

tuh la sgt ferust sbb tokleh tgk.. benci betul.. sure this episode bukan utk U.. kalu dok bulih angkut budok2 nih gi tgk sekali..

Amalina a dit…

tik: muroh nyo buku..tulun beli etek kok ore..buku no 1 sampai 3..hok tu ore tadok lagi hok set english.

klu ado dvd muroh, tulun beli kok ore etek set HP deh..hehehehehhe

movie kali ni PG13..budok buleh masuk, in condition parent ado skali =)

tik a dit…

ok beres.. nanti kawe tgk2 nanti... huhuhuhu

kat uk.. harry potter release on 19th nov... huhuhuh kalu PG13 beh la bwk budok2.. harap2 budok2 nih tok takut nok tgk...kang male2 berdempit dgn kawe nok tido..