flower gurls..the dress were made by my mom (on ur right side, pakai jubah hijau)
handbouquet flower gurl pon buat sendiri jugak..sy beli banyak sgt bunga..so banyak sgt lebey..huhuhuhu

meja beradap: simple jeh..bunga tu sdn bhd..and can u notice the pomander balls? :D btw..itu napkin pon sendiri buat..my colleague yg jahitkan :D

just wanna show the details of my tudung and veil: both were from KV..she had prob to make a net veil for me..sbb slalunye dia pkai chiffon kan..huhuhu..and i requested lace patching as well..
ps: si kecil berkata, tudung tu cam knal tak?hehehehehe
btw..i love this makeup
(sile jgn komen pipi yg tembam itu tau!)
kawan2 skolah..actually ni baju kedua that day..my hubby requested utk tuka baju sbb tak tahan dah pakai songket..panas katanya..huhuhu..this dress..saye sewa ajek..tak mampu nak tempah..muhahaha
so baju tu jadi baju utk potong cake..eventho tak plan pon..huhuhu..actually sewa baju ni datng skali ngan pelamin..in that package yg saye amik..sy dapat 3 pasang baju..satu tu mmg saye nak utk bertandang..lagi dua tu..saje2 je amik utk cantikkan gambar
btw..itu wedding cake saye..tiga tingkat without the tingkat..hehehehhe
sume homemade..and cousin2 sy yg kecik2 tu..ya Allah..dok kerumun cake ni sehingga merisaukan saye..takut tumbang ke ape..tapi reben dah ade yg tercabut..bunga2 pon dah dicuit..and diorang tak henti tanye bile nak potong cake..huhuhu

6 commentaires:
congrts dear!! kietr baruu tauuuuu :D
dear! g amek award kat my blog ye. hehehe
elyaelmo: thankss dear. =)
scr: okie dokie. thanks ek
beb..mana gmbr lagiiii?? tak cukup laaa
hihihi bleh ke letak gambar ko mek?
nanti pic bertandang aku letak laen kali..blum dpt seru utk bercerita..huhuhu
selepas 2 bulan baru perasan gamba2 ni. haha..tantek!
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