Another 40 days to go..phewww..time flies very fast..
I remember last year, I did the countdown to become mrs redzuan
And now I am counting days to meet mr Redzuan junior..hihi
My bump has became bigger and I easily get tired everyday
His kicks and movements are wonderful touches, and I am pretty sure that I am going to miss them..owh my
Ok here are a few updates:
My checklist : I tambah satu lagi which is sticker for bottle milk storage..hehhe..setiap bottle tu kne tulis tarikh dan waktu kite express the have to buy stickers mommies =)
For those who are concerned with her aurat during delivery.. I suggest you to discuss it with your gynae along with your birth plan..I first thought, by having a women gynae, I already secure my aurat..but unexpected happened to my friend where her anaestethist was a utk mengelakkan ianya berlaku..try request awal2..but if tak dapat nak buat camne
I just saw some pictures of people that I know who are currently in

4 commentaires:
jom..jom..lg 2 tahun nak?heheheh
nway, aku tak bli pun sticker..aku just guna masking tape je..hihihi
ha..countdown mcm nk tawen dah..hehehe..gudluck mama!! insya Allah semua ok!
fara: jom jom..serious rindu sgt kat france..especially grenoble..i would like to have un panini au saumon tomate mozarella and une tarte au poire et chocolat plsss..
jaja: hahaha itu la kan..countdown mcm nak kawen..nerveous pon cam nak kawen..thanks for the doa =)
Sy pn nk ikot gi paris hehe
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