Semalam pegi check up kat DEMC ngan Dr Norleen
I was looking forward for it as my last check was one month ago
Well, everything is fine, alhamdulillah
Except for my feet and fingers which are awfully swollen due to water retention
Baby alhamdulillah sehat jugak
Dah dekat 2.4kg dah..huhuhu
Risau plak takut baby besar..
Tp Dr ckp normal je..huhu
Maknye pulak..mmg terlampau besar la
Sebab naik 3.5kg ! omg !
In my defense, slalunye my check up is early tak sempat nak breakfast..
But yesterday, it was late evening..harus lah ape yg I makan the whole day tu menyumbang kpd peningkatan berat kan?kan?kan? :D
I weighted my self this morning..and it was less than 3.5kg..seeeee! :D
Tp Dr tak komen pepe pon pasal berat saye
Bp pon normal, and urine pon ok
So sume sehat =)
My due date is now on the 24th July..but Dr kata dia still akan pakai tarikh yg ikut kiraan last period, which is 30th July
She also said, by end of June/early July, I dah kne well prepared la
Not sure what she really meant by that..prepare mentally or physically
Maybe bag2 yg perlu idbawa ke hospital kot..huhuhu
So I got 2 weeks to prepare my bag :D
We also discussed with her about the option to circumcise our newborn baby
According to her, from medical point of view, mmg takde prob lah
So up to the parent to do it earlier (bile baby dah lahir) or wait till he is 4 or 5 years old
We haven’t give our decision yet, still KIV
What say you guys?
(baby gurl pon kne circumcise jugak kan?tak wajib..but digalakkan rite?)

9 commentaires:
for girl digalakkan dlm Islam..mostly now mmg org akan buat seawal umur mum pernah sunatkn my cousins kat rumah..hehe...umur dia mase tu dlm 2 bln..relax je baby xnanges ckit je pun cut dia..but for me kalu lmbt sgt buat takut nnt toddlers tu takut sbb dia dh kenal sakit, gunting tu..i pon cm seriau..hehe
kalau gigirl mmg elok sunatkan terus utk boboy mcm kesian je.kot?hehe ke sama je sakitnye?huhu
dlm family aku baby boy tak sunat terus kitorg pon tak penah discuss nak sunat terus ke apa kann.. dah komen ilang plak..huhuhu..
nway, kitorang dulu pun memula ingat nk sunatkan irfan awal2 jugak..
tp bila pk2..nnt dia xde memori kena sunat cam tak best plak..hihihi
etty: aha..i pon pk cemtu..ingat nak setel awal2..nanti dia besar..susah plak nak memujuk..hihihi
yaya: eh ko baby boy or gegurl?bile mau hapdet blog?hihihi
fara: memori sunat ek? nanti aku ckp kat hubby =)
eh td komen etty yg awal tu kan for gegurl if boboi...buat lambat ckitlah...darjah 2 ke 3 ke..hehe..time dia lasak2 hehe...baru memory..
kalu pompuan kener sunatkan cepat2 elok kalau laki lambat ckit pon xper tp sebelum dia baligh la..;)
x lama lagi your due kan amalina/ x sabar pulak tggu ur junior. hehe
depends ngan parents tu.. kalo nak buat awal pon xde hal, kalo nak buat dah besar pon best gak.. nnti die leh sunat ramai2 ngan akwan2. hehe
oh ye.. kalo sunat awal2, sng xde kes kulit terlebih tu tersangkut kat zip sluar. dlu my lil bro sunat lambat, and budak2 malas nak pakai sluar dalam, so kes mende tu tersangkut kat zip mmg slalu berlaku.. xde la danger, tp kesian sambil lucu tgk mereka melalak menahan sakit..
etty: haha salah paham disitu :D
jihan: i ingat klu boboi, nak sunat awal2..senang..huhu
aifa: aha..another 6 weeks to go..cepat je mase berlalu..huhu
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