as i said in my previous has been a week (or two) that i have loose stool and have to go to bathroom for 3/4 times a day (sorry for the details). at first, i was happy as i just start taking ferum pills, and i was told that it can cause constipation. Therefor, i start having oat for breakfast, double my fruit intake daily and drink vitagen every morning. I am not sure if my new regime causes the diarrhea..too much fiber perhaps?takkan lah kot.
as my hubby was sick for almost one week..i am worried as well if my antibody cant defense my body, and if i got infected by his virus/bacteria. but so far i am body temperature is just fine (despite the heat), i have no nausea or fever (alhamdulillah).
on the other hand, i am not sure if it is called as diarrhea, i thought diarrhea ni yg cirit birit with sakit memulas thp kronik. well i dunt have the sakit memulas tu..cuma kerap buang air besar je..camne ehh? nak ckp kne gastroenteritis tu..tak jugak..because i had one before a few years back..and it was painful and saye muntah teruk sgt. so i just thought, there is nothing serious, my body just suke membuang ape yg tak perlu je kot..
it becomes my concern when i found the definition of diarrhea at wiki..where it stated that diarrhea is the condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day.
ok definitely i have diarrhea. gullp. my fear is tersalah makan, ade jangkitan salmonella ke ape (nauzubillah) and risau pasal my baby jugak.. but as i said..i takde simpton seperti org yg sakit. camne ek?
and today..i googled about diarrhea & pregnancy..lagi lee saye terkejut badak.
it seems that some of mommies-to-be mmg face prob yg same cam saya..and it seems, it is a way for a body to prepare room for delivery..ok..double, triple gulp.
now i am confused..wat should i do? go and meet my gynae?our appointment is in 2 weeks times. does any mommy have the same prob as me before?

3 commentaires:
dear,yun ader dgr gak diarrhea ni one of pape pn better sekk doc advise k,mintk ubat ke ape,takut byk kali membuang dehydrated plak..take care ya mommy! =)
amalina: is it? oh my gucci! minggu ni je nanie dah 2-3 kali gak diarrhea tu. tp sebab byk makan pengat pisang. rs2 maybe sebab overdose mkn pisang kot. tp bila bc entry amalina yg buat cuak nih. er, masuk 8 bulan kot? ish2..mudah2an biarlah baby kita ni cukup term ye amalina..
oo yeker? new info for me... wah.. dah kene ready tu amalina! =)
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