But I am not sure if you guys realize that to handle EBM is not as simple as ABC..EBM has to be handled with care, otherwise all the nutrients inside will be gone.
Sayangkan..kite nak kasi susu ibu kat anak kite sbb susu ibu adalah yg terbaik..tetapi disebabkan kecuaian dan kekurangan ilmu mengenai cara untuk menguruskan EBM, maka benefits yg diimpikan tidak diperolehi.
Lagi teruk if susu itu is no longer suitable for ur baby.
So I strongly encourage all mommies-to-be to do some research about it..read the articles which are available on the internet..
or simply buy this book: Buku Panduan Penyusuan Untuk Ibu Yang Bekerjaya.

Dalam tu ade pasal camne nak menyusu bayi dgn betul, camne nak perah ebm, nak simpan dan nak guna balik ebm..jadual mengepam utk ibu yg bekerjaya dan a lot more.

Dalam tu ade pasal camne nak menyusu bayi dgn betul, camne nak perah ebm, nak simpan dan nak guna balik ebm..jadual mengepam utk ibu yg bekerjaya dan a lot more.
Bg saya, buku ini amat berbaloi dan all the essential info pasal penyusuan dan EBM are there.
Price: RM10 You can easily get it at any babystore. I bought mine at Fabulous Mom.
Price: RM10 You can easily get it at any babystore. I bought mine at Fabulous Mom.
p/s: I dont receive any commission for promoting this book..cuma in my opinion, mommies have to well prepared and have to get correct information about handling ebm.

2 commentaires:
menarikla buku ni..kat one baby world ader tak ek?
yun: kat website nye ckp ade =)
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