worst, i dunt even know why i opened www.blogger.com in the first place. but i am pretty sure there is something that bothers me right now, starts to occupy my mind, which makes me feel uneasy. org kate, makin kite dekat ngan tarikh nak kawen, makin besar dugaan rite?i 100.9% agree with that! ::sighh::
normally, when i jump into this uneasy-unsecure zone, i will just talk talk and talk with others. And I can talk about everything, not specifically about the thing that bothers me. The only prob is, only a few come to the office today (haha) and i am too lazy to dial my bffs numbers and pour them with my concerns.
enough of crap. the real updates are:
1. bunga pahar: my wedding is very the simple. and i clearly said to my parents that i dunt want any merenjis or tepung tawar as from what i read, it is not advisable to do that because tersangat meniru adat org bukan islam dan ade yg ckp haram. thus i have to say No no and no (but this dilemma is still under nego, because my parents nak sgt buat merenjis ni).
As we dunt have this renjis merenjis, then wat's the use of bunga pahar? well i decided to give each of them to rombongan pengantin lelaki. So they will have normal doorgift + bunga pahar. Kinda special la kan? Tak payah sy nak pening2 nak kasi ape kat diorang utk kasi diorang nampak special sket from normal guests. with my mom, we decided to do by ourselves. My mom sgt suka bunga stoking..so we did bunga pahar stoking for 100 people.
Mule2 i tot, i siapkan separuh, then my mom siapkan separuh, but akhirnye sy buat semua all by myself..tp tak siap lagi la opkos..baru 50 cucuk..another 50 cucuk to go..huhu.. rite now, sy tgh consider nak beli 50pcs just for the sake utk decor pelamin..boley? nak buat sendiri another 50pcs mmg tak sempat..mau bengkak jari sy nanti..hihihi
2. Borang nikah: Those required documents for nikah dah serah kat my papa. Redzuan personally handed the document last Saturday as he is currently in Kltn (miss u) for this long weekend. So nanti papa serah kat tok imam, and insya-Allah, tiada halangan utk akad nanti.
3. Dulang polystrene-bantal: is still on going. Dah siapkan 3, another 5 to go. Total hantaran is 9 balas 9, so sy fikir, utk cake, tak payah kot buatkan dulang polystrene segala, bukannye nampak pon, because cake yg my mom slalu buat mmg agak besar :D
4. Biskut raya: (nothing to do with wed prep) during the weekend, with my eldest sis, kami dah siapkan hampir 20 balang beraneka biskut. esok nak buat dua jenis biskut lagi..maybe tambah lagi 3 balang kot. my only concern, macam mane sy nak muat segala balang tu (bersama dgn barang2 utk perkahwinan sy) dlm kereta saya yg kecik itu utk di bw balik ke kltn..erk!
5. Honeymoon: everything has been booked and paid (hotels and car) tinggal nak bayar kereta je..as for the itineary, it is pretty much done. Cuma im not sure about snorkeling because:
- saye mabuk orgnye. tak kesah naik ape pon, confirm pening (except car i guess). FYI, each time i naik flight especially long distance like kl-paris, confirm i akan amik ubat tido ..ngeeee..and paling best..klu naik flight balik kb which is only 45 mins, before flight take off, i dah siap pejam mate and tido awal2..sedar2 flight dah nak land.! but i love swimming, and dunt have any prob about that, except the facts that i mudah mabuk bile main ombak. last year, mase i pegi snorkeling kat perhentian..omg it was hillarious, i tak masuk dlm air pon dah start pening, and after 5 mins, i requested pakcik bawak boat tu bawak i pegi pantai, sbb tak tahan sgt dah..hahahahha
- another concern is the proper attire for swimming..mase i still dlm zaman jahilliah, bleh la kan pakai sesuka hati yg i nak..but when i decided to become his wife, i have started consider everything about the aurat and such..so im still not sure, shud i buy a muslimah swimmung attire or just forget about the snorkeling.
Fact: i got a missed call fr my-ex this morning. and i have this unpleasant feeling since then.