smlm entry gelabah..ari ni plak entry utk hilangkan perasaan gelabah itu..
which is about holidays/vacations/ or the most important - HONEYMOON!when people asked me, where will be my fav destination for my honeymoon
definitely Europe and Australia+NZ! whyy?
Europe: there are a lot of beautiful places, cities yg sy blom pegi walaupon 8 tahun tinggal di Ireland, bile tgk cite PS I love u tu..sure meleleh2 air liur nak pegi national park tu..cantik sgtt (tu lee dulu mase belajar gatal tak nak pegi..berangan nak kije sane..skali kne balik..hahahahha)
Australia+NZ: saye nak gi bilang biri2 yg ade kat NZ, to confirm btol ke jumlah biri2 kat sane melebihi penduduk NZ, dan juge nak jumpe koala bear..hahahha :D
but pls..jgn ingat sy honeymoon overseas plak pegi local jehhh..cintailah Malaysia wehhh (tp sbrnye takde duit dah nak kuar dr m'sia..hahahhhaa)
on the other hand..i'm not looking for any beaches or islands..walaupon sy mmg suke sgt pegi ke pulau..dulu teringin gile nak berhoneymoon kat Bora-Bora..hahah..but then..bile sy pk2..klu pegi ke pulau yg bukan di m'sia..mmg agak boring sket..aktiviti nye agak terhad..nak mandi pantai pon tak best..why is that?sbb sy tak pakai swimming suit or bikinis! mase kat france, sy pnah bercuti di bhgn mediterranean, even minggu orientasi kitorang pon kat bhgn sy cukup tak suke bile org asik pandang sy bile nampak sy mandi ngan short n tshirt :( cukup tak suke..rase macam alien i ended up dok kat gigi air main pasir..hahahahahha
worst, they may prevent u from snorkeling for safety reason (pkai tshirt kang tenggelam katanya..hahahhaha)..dulu mase sy attended kelas belajar bawak kapal layar kecik (type 406) tu pon jenuh nak berjawab dgn instructor knape sy dtg ngan track suit n was my second year in france..innocent lagi =D
ok enough of crap, actually i put this entry because i received newsletter from Thalys, high-speed train from Paris to Amsterdam (singgah kat Brussels of course)
Happy Hours Thalys
from 5pm to 9pm
buy on the 3rd and 4th of August
travel from 6th of September till 23rd of Oct
from Paris to Holland
90Euro for Comfort 1 for 2 people
50Euro for Comfort 2 for 2 people
seriously, it is very cheap! Comfort 1 tu first class..dulu sy slalu amik this train when i did my internship kat is like 3 hours train..n i always grabbed this offer..sebab comfort 1 ni dia ade skali ngan makanan..i didnt eat non-halal food of course, tp ade je salmon or seafood dishes..and air tin n chocs, bleh mintak manyak2 for free..ala2 macam flight gitu...i loikee!
but comfort 2 is comfortable enough =)
~teringin untuk pegi ke sane lagi..or have a couple of years staying there..lalalalallaa
my offer:
sesape yg teringin untuk berbulan madu/berjalan2 di sana and looking for tips on travel cheap,on interesting places to be visited, on where to eat halal food, you can kindly email me, insya-Allah saya akan jawab =)
p/s: dah dua tiga hari mon prince charmant asik dok usha tiket pegi london..ade match Manchester United vs. Liverpool katanye (both of us are manchester united supporters :D)..harap2 dimurahkan rezeki untuk memenuhi impiannye ke sane..aminnnnnnnn
from 5pm to 9pm
buy on the 3rd and 4th of August
travel from 6th of September till 23rd of Oct
from Paris to Holland
90Euro for Comfort 1 for 2 people
50Euro for Comfort 2 for 2 people
seriously, it is very cheap! Comfort 1 tu first class..dulu sy slalu amik this train when i did my internship kat is like 3 hours train..n i always grabbed this offer..sebab comfort 1 ni dia ade skali ngan makanan..i didnt eat non-halal food of course, tp ade je salmon or seafood dishes..and air tin n chocs, bleh mintak manyak2 for free..ala2 macam flight gitu...i loikee!
but comfort 2 is comfortable enough =)
~teringin untuk pegi ke sane lagi..or have a couple of years staying there..lalalalallaa
my offer:
sesape yg teringin untuk berbulan madu/berjalan2 di sana and looking for tips on travel cheap,on interesting places to be visited, on where to eat halal food, you can kindly email me, insya-Allah saya akan jawab =)
p/s: dah dua tiga hari mon prince charmant asik dok usha tiket pegi london..ade match Manchester United vs. Liverpool katanye (both of us are manchester united supporters :D)..harap2 dimurahkan rezeki untuk memenuhi impiannye ke sane..aminnnnnnnn

13 commentaires:
i berangan nak g mauritius u!! hehehe
tapi rasanya sampai ke cameron jer kot. ngehngehngeh
berangan tu nak execute ke idak..tgk kewangan =)
mauritius mmg chantekk!!
sy mau pegi paris! fiance dh pegi..aussie and nz sounds good idea!
thalys ni TGV kan? belum pernah naik lagi. slalu naik ICE, german version of bullet train. tapi most of my friends yg pernah naik TGV ni semua cakap TGV lagi best dr ICE! teruja sgt nak naik. sampai ke sudah tak pernah. ni lah padahnye pegi paris naik bus yang 8jam tu. sebab nak jimat budget katenye..
dulu u kat france kat mane?
best gile 1st class thalys ni. i pernah naik 1st ICE Frankfurt-Munich (dapat free ticket sbb kumpul point train discount card) tapi die kasi seketul ferrero rocher n mineral water je. Apakah?
and 90euro for 2 person is definitely a steal!
jaja: ajak en tunang pegi lagi..nanti soh dia bwk pegi kat satu small bridge kat sungai la seine, and lepak situ till sunset..sungguh romantikk kauuu =D
moose: aha..thalys ni TGV..tukar kaler n name je..macam eurostar TGV first class takde special sgt..cume kerusi lagi besar..eurostar if im not mistaken, first class dia pon ade makanan cam thalys..cume yg tu tak pnah try..because sec class pon dah mahal gile..baik aku naik easyjet or ryan air :D
dulu aku pegi frankfurt naik ketapi cap ayam fr paris..11 jam..seb baek malam..hahhha..teringin nak naik ICE..dah le train dia bergerak tak jejak tak mampu beb..uhuks
aku dulu belaja kat colmar, then pindah Grenoble..ko germany kat mane ek?
cik amy.. muroh nyea.. huhuhu tuh la.. sokmo berangan .. kalu la ado duit £1 juta... bestnyea.. hahahhahahah oyat jah nok gi tmpt mano.
maring kak long oyat air asia ticket to korea rm99 jah... huhuh best jgk tuh.. nanti balik mesia.. jom percutian dasar memandang ke timur plok huhuh
hahahha tuh la..redzuan pon dok usha tiket gi korea plok..muroh dio kato utk june next year..tok berani nok beli tapi gak..kot2 ado baby ko..hahah koya!
hahahah takpo... nanti gi ramai bwk mama gi korea.. sure mama suka.. mugo dok tgk citer korea sokmo jah la nih..
bestnyee..!x g lg honeymoon ni,.teringin ausie coz cheaper tp paris mcm lg best!huuu..
ehh.amalinaa..soo sorri haritu x sempat laa nk ckp pjg coz time tu mmg mcm x perasan.huu.bad me.bile tgk balik blog u haaa mmg btol laa uu.huhu
reyna: france n aussie..dua2 best =)
btw, i didnt reallt mind pasal ari tu..hahahah..u were not the only one..mostly b2b yg i tego had the same muke yg berkeeut bile i introduced myself..hihihihihihi
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